Woke up late Sunday morning. Was headed to one of my hunting leases 2 hours from the house. Only had a hour until sunrise. Decided to hit a small private farm I get to hunt about 45 min from the house. Parked and walked to my stand and settled in about sunrise. Wind was bad, out of the SE, which is totally wrong for this stand. 7:30 I had two doe blow at me from the hill behind me. Crap. Started thinking of another plan. About 0800 had another blow. That's it. I got down and worked my way through the timber to a hill and got me a spot in a plum thicket with the wind in my face and a pasture that I had a 180 degree shot and a open field behind me.
Watched a few doe run through after getting settled. One little fork horn about 8:45. At 0900 here comes a doe in Mach 2 drive. While watching her I noticed something to my left and it was this buck. He had his nose to the ground and was at a pretty good clip across the pasture. I had ranged a cedar tree when I sat down and he would cross in front of it at 120yds if he continued on his path.
I got my shooting stick up and turned the power on the scope down to 2x so I would have more field of view.
I bleatted, grunted and whistled to stop him. NOT. He slowed to a gate and I put the cross hair on his shoulder and touched it off. Hit right behind the should, double lung. He stopped in his tracks, stood a few seconds and fell. 7pnt, 105 lbs at 115 yds. It not the biggest one on the place but I had been hunting for seven days on and off and this was the only shot I had that I felt good taking.
Just got this 7mm-08 Encore barrel this summer and worked up a load with Varget and Nosler 140grn Ballistic Tips.
Bullet performance was great. Had to look for entrance hole on one side and on the exit it was about the size of a golf ball. Both lungs and some liver damage. Great bullet work.
It is shooting real good to 200yds.
I'm a happy camper and I have meat in the freezer now. This weekend I have one doe tag left before I start another month of bowhunting with my longbow.
Thanks for a place to visit and learn about Varmint and othe hunting.