nasem, you made a wise choice, but then with the parameters you set there wasn't a bad choice. The Ruger will serve you well and is a very versatile choice, everything from small game to protection to deer and hog sized game. I now it goes against what others have said here but I think you are way better off to pick a handgun and stick with it. It is very difficult to transition back and forth between a semi auto and a revolver under stress. Now you would probably be fine on the range and possibly hunting but when using it for defense it is not the time to be trying to remember how to make the particular gun you are carrying today work. This also goes for how you carry the handgun, strong side, cross draw, shoulder holster whatever pick a style and stick with it you don't want to have to be hunting your handgun when you need it. Basically my philosophy is keep it basic, most of use are not advanced enough to make advanced mistakes it is the simple stuff that gets us. I also realize that there are probably people here who practice enough to transition back and forth but they are the exception rather than the rule. Good luck