Author Topic: woohoo! brought an 8" smith .41 mag home tonight! hunting this weekend  (Read 935 times)

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Offline ccoker

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well, after a few weeks of going back and forth on which "big bore" revolver to get, researching, shooting, fondling
I went to pickup my 6" 686 357mag and was all day thinking maybe I should go with a 44 but in the back of my head I kept thinking a .41 mag would be perfect...

one of the last guns I checked out was a smith 657 8" .41
it was instantly, "yep, this is the one"
even after I had already talked myself out of the caliber previously because of limitted ammo choices (well, they had 4-5 different loads there)

couldn't hit the range afterwork but did manage to go on the edge of town for a few minutes (in a 100% safe location) and put out a coke can about 35-40 yards.. first shot and it danced, 2nd, same, 3rd same

first round was a winchester 175 HP, surprisingly mild, then a 210hp federal, a little more stout, but a LOT less than the 6" 44 redhawk with winchester 240g SPs I shot a few days ago.. very pleasant shooting.. I am very happy :)

tomorrow the range then off to hunt this weekend

Offline WL44

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Re: woohoo! brought an 8" smith .41 mag home tonight! hunting this weekend
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2006, 01:54:49 AM »
It's not a feeling that a non-shooter would understand! Sounds like a great match, you and that 657. Enjoy it. I've never had a .41, passed up on a very nice one in the early 90's and always regetted it.....

Offline ccoker

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Re: woohoo! brought an 8" smith .41 mag home tonight! hunting this weekend
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2006, 03:59:26 AM »
try to explain it to my wife, the need for many guns..
I told her it's you need very specific tools for very specific jobs, she got that...

what's funny is that the 686 grip bit into my "ring" finger
the 41 didn't.. it just felt "right" instantly

I showed it to my son (9) this morning, he was like WOH!
tomorrow I hope he gets his first deer

Offline redhawk500

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Re: woohoo! brought an 8" smith .41 mag home tonight! hunting this weekend
« Reply #3 on: December 10, 2006, 02:58:11 AM »
Your taking your son hunting while you have a handgun struck a cord with me.  I carry a big revolver or semiauto while hunting with my son during deer season.  He won't sit in a tree stand but loves to walk through the woods and "hunt" squirrels with his .22 rifle.  Having a "just in case" firearm for targets of opportunity and self-defense while teaching a youngster woodsmanship is great fun for me.  When he gets tired or bored, I have both hands free to be his gun bearer.  lol

Offline BlkHawk73

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Re: woohoo! brought an 8" smith .41 mag home tonight! hunting this weekend
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2006, 03:27:02 AM »
  While I'm not a huge S&W fan, those 657's are nice.  The .41 mag is a great cartrdige many underestimate.  I'm thinking you'll really enjoy it and hopefully it'll bring luck in the woods.
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Offline ccoker

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Re: woohoo! brought an 8" smith .41 mag home tonight! hunting this weekend
« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2006, 03:52:05 AM »
I don't know why I said 8" barrel, it's 7.5
grabbed a few boxes of ammo and took it to the range, best grouping, cloverleafing off the bench at 25yards (shooting single action) was the Winchester 240g silvertips
went through two boxes at 25  yards freehanded and there was one big chewed out 1.5" hole and the rest of the rounds were withing 2-3 total spread
shot a few at 50 yards, off the bench about 2"
ready to go hunt, went out Friday night..
Sat afternoon my son got his first deer! he's 9 and I have him setup with a NEF superlight 223 with a Sightron s2 2.5-7 "shotgun" scope
nailed his first deer (spike) about 90 yards out, text book perfect shot behind the shoulder, deer jumped straight up and went off through the brush.. waited about 45 mins (hard for him to deal with!)  my son found the blood trail and there it was about 50 yards out dead to rights.  64g Federal tactical sp went through both rib cages with a good 1" plus hole and through the opposite shoulder
too bad the deer didn't read where a 223 wasn't "enough gun"
I asked him what he thought the instant he pulled the trigger, his response "suasage!"
the other funny thing was when I showed him the entrance wound he said "but I aimed here" and pointed to a spot a 1/2" in front of the hole.  ah.. thought I was going to weep :)

Sunday morning right at daybreak I got mine with the pistol, a nice doe, walked off 46 big steps
aiming for slightly behind the shoulder and got her through the right shoulder and then out the other shoulder near the front, deer was at an angle.. she went up and ran limping for about 30 yards
complete pass through, lots of blood on the ground
entrance wound did a nasty job on the shoulder and blew a hole a good 3/4 all the way through
wicked round
interesting thing, I was reading the ballistics
this 240g is going out at 1250 fps
the ruger redhawk 44 6" I shot last week with winchsteer 240sp is 1250 FPS
the ruger was to me, not fun to shoot at all, this gun, is MUCH easier to shoot,
my buddy shot it today, he has a and older redhawkwith a 7.5" barrell and he said the same thing
that is was a lot less recoil and way more pleasant to shoot
it would seem that the same weight bullet at the same FPS, especially with both being from the same maker would feel about the same... I know a big heavy gun vs a small light one can make a huge difference in percieved recoil..
anyways.. I LOVE the gun
I gotta start practicing longer shots
I have done a lot of 25 yard work with my 1911 but I want to be able to take deer out to say 60 yards or so open sighted with this gun...   and I need to order up some georgia arms loads, their prices are great.. see if I can find a load that has the same POA as the WInchsters which I will save for hunting, that's expensive stuff to be burning up at the range!

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Re: woohoo! brought an 8" smith .41 mag home tonight! hunting this weekend
« Reply #6 on: December 11, 2006, 06:29:23 AM »
I have a 4" 57 and it loves the 240-gr Winchester Platinum Tips. The 175-gr Silvertips are a close second. Congratulations. It's always good to have another .41 shooter in the mix.

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Offline ccoker

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Re: woohoo! brought an 8" smith .41 mag home tonight! hunting this weekend
« Reply #7 on: December 11, 2006, 07:48:54 AM »
locally, there's only like a dollar difference between the two rounds
the 175s are very mild shooting
the 240 silvertips definiteley have more "oomph" but fun to shoot and they work.. so, a buck is nothing...

I want to try some of the georgia arms ammo...
but willl most likely hunt with the silvertips....

Offline RJM

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Re: woohoo! brought an 8" smith .41 mag home tonight! hunting this weekend
« Reply #8 on: December 19, 2006, 02:25:06 PM »
..welcome to the Cult of the .41... Another convert...we need you. 

As to Silvertips...175 grain Winchesters are Silvertips..if you look at the box you will find that the 240 grain loads are Platinum Tips...

My shooting of the .41 Magnum started with a M58 back in the early 1970s...what a great round it was...just a fixed sight M58 but it hooked me on the round. Over the years I got rid of almost all my other revolvers and just shoot .41...I guess you have now found out why.

Next you will need a nice carbine to go with your revolver...Marlin has a nice one and really fun to shoot...

Good shooting with your M657 and nice to see that some people are bringing up the next generation "right".


Offline ccoker

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Re: woohoo! brought an 8" smith .41 mag home tonight! hunting this weekend
« Reply #9 on: December 20, 2006, 03:37:45 AM »
right, got the names backwards

man, that gun is SO much fun to shoot
I dig it

ordered up some a few boxes of georgia arms 210 JHPs, 20 a box of 50
interesting to see how they shoot
I have a box of 210 speer gold dots, very accurate and flat shooting
I was out shooting cans, rocks, etc.. at 30-75 yards out the other evening
man, what a hoot
recovered a few of the gold dots that had gone through some cans (new cans of coke, love the spray!) and dug them out of the hard dirt, big expansion, and intact