Author Topic: Factory ammo for 22-250  (Read 746 times)

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Offline JHT

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Factory ammo for 22-250
« on: December 08, 2006, 02:07:29 PM »
Would appreciate learning from your experience.  I would like to narrow down the best choices for factory loads in 22-250.  The rifle is a Remington 700 BDL Varmint and the primary varmint, at least for now, will be coyote.  I would think that al least 55 gr. bullets would be preferable with higher weights being something I should consider.  Who appears to produce the best factory ammo that meets my needs?

Thank again,

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Re: Factory ammo for 22-250
« Reply #1 on: December 08, 2006, 03:15:40 PM »
Jay,I would reckon that to find out what is best.would be what your rifle shoots the best.and the only real way to do that is to buy several differnt bxs of ammo and take them out to test.I really don't think the preimums will be any better then others as far as killing a filthy coyote..and the 55grs should work fine..I would try wal mart and buy a couple bxs of that white boxed ammo and try it..
my huntin rifle is safe from confiscation only while my battle rifle protects it.

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Re: Factory ammo for 22-250
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2006, 04:39:41 PM »
The 55gr is a very good choice as the bullets in the 53 to 55gr range have the best ballistic uniformity. The lighter bullets shoot well enough but show a wider spread across a crony.

That factory ammo will certainly do the job as far as power and accuracy go but the main question will be how fur friendly this ammo is. I dont know what is currently being offered and I cant even remember the last time I had bought a box of factory ammo for my .22-250
I do know that the older softpoint stuff could leave quite a hole in that yote.

Bunch of us here reload and I hear good stuff about the V-max bullets. You might find this type avalible in a factory round but would probably be on the high dollar end of the brands. Never tryed a V-max bullet but I believe that the general idea is an in hole with no exit but not all the time and the discussion can be one of controversy.

I use a Very Tough bullet with an excellent record for tiny In & out holes. The velocity of the .22-250 will do the rest of the job quite well as the hydrostatic shock will kill very quickly within calling ranges. A factory equivelent to this might be something that Barnes might offer or even something like a nosler solid base. To Sum This Up you might look at the bullets offered in the factory ammo...
Hornady V-max
And read up on what each is suppose to do. Remember that the run of the mill softpoint is probably going to give you a hole and a ruined hide with the .22-250 velocitys.
Hope this helps some.

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Re: Factory ammo for 22-250
« Reply #3 on: December 09, 2006, 03:19:31 PM »
I'll concur with what others have said regarding each rifle being unique and you need to try different types out to see what your rifle likes best.  As an example, I got my .22-250 before I started reloading.  Tried about 6 or 7 different types of ammo.  It liked Winchester Supreme ballistic tips in 55 grains, but it shot the much cheaper Remington PSP's just as well. The really cheap ammo didn't shoot as well (PMP, UMC and Seller and Belloit)  Glanceblamm mentioned Hornady V-Max bullets.  In my reloads, nothing shoots better than V-maxes.

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Re: Factory ammo for 22-250
« Reply #4 on: December 10, 2006, 11:31:07 AM »
I shoot a savage and, as has been said before, find a hollow point or poly. tip that shoots well in your rifle.  The factory V-max didn't shoot well in my rifle for some reason.  I use Federal Premium 55gr Sierra Gameking BTHPs, in my gun it gives easy 1" groups and often doesn't exit a coyote, if it does exit it is usually 3 or 4 small fragments that blow holes in the pelt like a shotgun would.  Just under the entry wound these bullets make a hole you could put a baseball into.