Author Topic: 12/09/06 coyote hunt  (Read 456 times)

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12/09/06 coyote hunt
« on: December 10, 2006, 03:12:38 PM »
hope you all are doing better.
Got off work and headed home to get my gear and the boy child.The wimin folk decided to sleep in and I had to feed the bottomless pit are he would not be worth a hoot out in the field.So I hurried up and changed into my coyote callin garb and loaded the vechicle with the gear.then made a pot of fresh ground panamian bean coffee and a pot of hot choclate with marshmellows for the boy child,had some double smoked german bacon that I cut thick and slow cooked then did some over easys in butter and made some toast and put some blueberry preserves on it.Yummy..waddled out to the vechicle and we were off.we made 4 sets as the wimin folk wanted us back early so they could make me get them a christams tree.they wanted to get it deck out that night.
our 1st set did not produce any thing.nor did the second set,the 3rd set 5 minutes into it brought in a sharp midsized female.she came in using all the cover she could,and there was a lot.not a real good set as shooting areas were not crossed in front of the boy and he was a little lower then I and did not see it.but knew it was there as I squeaked it.but it walked by in front of use we were just getting glipmse of her now, I knew or hope she would step out into this little clearing as she did not know we were she did I raised the .17 rem.which got her attention and she stopped to see what the movement was.when she diod she gave me a nice view of her shoulder in the scope.down she went.started calling but no more showed up.
we went to the next set and 10 minutes a male came into view 40 yards out in front of the boy child.he shot with the 12ga.I could see the pellets hit him and it turned and as it did he let another rip.I thought I counted 5 pellets hit around the animal guess the rest went in him.over it rolled.I gave him a hard time about wasting ammo.then he brought a couple times to my attention when I was not payin attention and emptied the mag..
my huntin rifle is safe from confiscation only while my battle rifle protects it.