Years back I toted a bolt .410 around with me, mostly for snakes. One day I came across a group of wild hogs. I eased the shot shell out and put in a slug while picking out a small hog to shoot. I settled on a smaller, 50-60 pound sow. Thinking back I can't remember just how far the shot was. It was close, within the "archery" range I'm sure. I took a heart shot, placing the slug right behind the onside leg as the little sow stepped foward. Well I gotta tell ya! That hog went right down in her tracks. Just a little kicking and that was it. I must say I was impressed! I'm not sure how the slug would do on a deer, because there wasn't much penetration. I did recover the slug. The retained weight was 98 grains with the wadding. That's not to bad considering, I think the slug onlys weighs 90 grains.