Author Topic: Pheasants and the 20ga  (Read 1407 times)

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Pheasants and the 20ga
« on: December 11, 2006, 02:34:48 AM »
 ;D I went hunting on s state refuge here in NM and had one of the best hunts of my life. I took 2 mature cocks with tail feathers in excess of 24 inches. I couldn't believe it from birds here in NM. THe first bird may have been the best shot I have ever made on a pheasant. My hunting buddy was on the other side of the ditch and kicked up 10-15 birds. The one I took came up from behind him and never saw me. I took him with a Nova 20 ga with a 50yd shot using # 6 3" Hevi shot buffered loads. The bird went down like a stone and never moved. The other two were shot out of the corn at 15 and 30 or so yards two shots and to birds in the bag. I know one thing for sure that the 20ga proved more than up to the task and at 6# or so it was a joy to carry and shoot. I'll tell you what if you ever need to use non-toxic shot for cock birds u can do no better than heavy shot. Side bar took to Sand Hills using this 20ga with # 4 hevi-shot one and done. Stone dead at 20yds for both birds great stuff and a great hunt,   Jess :o :o :o :o