GRAYBEARD. Thanks, I feel a bit better. This is the time of year they really trim their already understaffed help. They got rid of 7 or 8 two weeks ago, during the busiest time of the year. Christmas week 2 more. Monday a very hard working lady finished her 90 day probation and had gotten a very good evaluation. They called her to the office and tiold her that her position was eliminated and her services were no longer needed. Then she was told that they wanted her to go to another dept, as a NEW HIRE, no raise. She's still doing the same job, but under a new title, she was cheated out of her raise. The turnover was 58% last week, it will go much higher over the next month. They count on a high turnover to keep the pay low. They scedule folks to work til 11 or 12 at night, then be back at 6 or 7 in the morning, one lady had 5 hours between shifts. Weekly schedules are always different, hours, days off, this keeps employees off balance and is confusing, making sure the stress level stays high. One of the firings was because a schedule was copied wrong by a 7 year employee. They now have a new point system where it's 3 strikes and you're out. Funerals are no excuse, even getting sick is no excuse. A drs appt isn't either. One lady had a heart attack at work and was rushed to the hospitol, again, unexcused. Bad roads are no excuse either. The new system has gotten quite a few, again, to keep the turnover high.
I've worked a lot of worse jobs, and consider myself lucky to have this one. I've learned to go with the flow. My only purpose posting is so that the truth be brought out that they are not the family friendly stores they used to be. Corporate greed is ruining the company. They have already done away with layaway, more depts to close in march, or later in 2007. It's almost as if they are intentionally trying to lose business. The top dogs have never worked in a store, they are true pencil pushers and make a lot of poor decisions. Gotta go to church now. POWDERMAN.