The information you get in the 'buzzard special' is a lifetime of schooling just on the panning tape alone! If you can't pan, don't bother going, so the tape is well worth the $$$ and you get the guide, pan, snuffer bottle plus a wealth of other info.
I have been doing this prospecting for 20+ years and joined the GPAA in '97. I'm still with themand loving it. I really like the magazine which you can get for around $20 per year or join up for $80 or so and stay with them for $65 per year.
As for the claims guide being updated, there is a new one every year...some things change, some do not. If there is a change mid year they report it in the Pick & Shovel Gazzette quarterly.
I have heard beginners ask all the wrong questions like, "where do I dig to find gold"? Well, if they knew, THEY would be there digging for it and not telling you! I help a lot of people with their panning technique and a spot to dig and sometimes let them take the dredge hose for a spell. If they are willing to work hard at it and not whine about "I'm not finding any gold" I keep helping them. The first bit of whining and I'm all done.
At least join once and use them to learn all you can, then decide if it is worth staying with them. Go to an outing during the winter or when you have vacation time and see what it's like. Check out everything they do and see if you don't learn something.
To a lot of folks it's worth every penny, to others it's not worth signing up every year. You have to answer that for yourself and the only way to do that is to join ONCE! Then you'll know.