Folks, I agree 100% it is critical that we get our youth interested in the outdoor sports. If they don't we are all in trouble. Hunting and fishing teach a lot about the outdoors but they also impart important life skills such as responsiblilty, patience, persistance, and respect. I get so frustrated in the constant whine of people about oh we have got to do something everything is so bad, we need more laws about this that or the other. That is ridiculous, we have got a world of laws now. We need to start holding people acountable for their actions and not trying to find them some excuse for what they have done. History is full of people who had a "bad" childhood who did well for themselves just as it is full of people with a silver spoon who did poorly. It is about attitude, responsiblilty and accountability. When I was a child if I would have talked to an adult once like children today talk to them regularly, my dad or mom would have snatched me up in a heart beat, it was not tolerated. Lets face it Little Johnny stole that car because Little Johnny is a thief. It has nothing to do with guns or any other inantimate object it is about choices Little Johnny/Susie make about what they are going to do or not do, and if we don't start teaching people this and teachiing them that they are responsible for their choices and actions our society is going to continue on the down hill slide it is on. I know I have digressed from the topic but we have to make changes or our Country can not continue we will go from the greatest Nation on Earth to a third world cess pool we didn't become great by making excuses, we became great by taking responsiblilty and doing what needed to be done.