If you're wanting to go after bears or boars.............use a HARDCAST bullet!!
JHP's for deer are ok.........but when you are wanting to penetrate lots of mucsle, bone, & cartlidge, use hardcast bullets.
An outdoor writer friend of mine who grew up hunting hogs in California (limit a hog a day) and also did some guiding for them, without hesitation recommended a 300 grn hardcast lead bullet for my .44 mag handgun. Between the hogs he has actually killed and ones he has personally witnessed being harvested, he's seen about 1000 hogs shot - I figured his advise was very valuable.
The first black bear I shot was over bait at about 25 yards, hit him through the lungs the first shot, as he was running away up a small bank I hit him again at approximately 40 yards - that stopped him, and he came rolling back down the hill. First shot was a complete pass through, the last completely shed it's jacket from the core and was recovered, and neither hit any big bones - bullet used 250 JHP.
Then I witnessed a friend of mine shoot a nice 200 lb hog at 25 yards broadside behind the shoulders, using a .35 Remington Super 14 Contender w/200 grn factory ammo. It took off like you'd poked it in the butt w/a hot iron, made it about 30 -40 yards across an opening then about another 40 - 50 yards in the thick brush. The bullet did not completely penetrate & exit, what was left of the bullet was a flattened mangle piece of scrap that weighed about 50 grns.
Bottom line, make a big hole completely through a hog (in a good spot of course) and it will be yours!
I love hunting bears & hogs, it's definitely adds another level of excitement, knowing they may come looking for you!!