While I agree that tanning the low grades may make them bring more money-- does it mean they are more profitable? If you are looking at the profit end, then you might want to check closely. If doing it just for fun and to market them differently, that is something different. Here is an expample.
I can buy soft tanned muskrat from Groenewold for as cheap as $3.50 for small with slight damage.
Groenewold will sell you soft tanned XL bobcat with slight damage for $25.00
They will also sell you low grade grey fox for $15--same for badger.
And the list goes on! I have been selling these as craft grade and wall hangers for some years.
It is not really worth the extra time and effort to either tan it yourself, "break" the leather, spend money on chemicals, and market--- if you are looking for profit. Some of the members of this forum can tell you that I have another business. They have received checks from WISTER ANTIQUE AND AUCTION. I have had an auction house and flea market as well as an antique shop. If you are intending to sell for profit, then it is cheaper to buy the pelts already soft "garment" tanned for those purposes.
No BULL! Just go online and see what Groenewold will sell them to you for.
Now: I have never advertized on this forum. That is not allowed! However, to illustrate a point, I invite everyone to look at the below website. BEAR IN MIND, that it has not been updated since last summer. I have just had to much going to update it and try not to advertize it at all now since I am wanting to switch directions. But it might give you some ideas!
www.mountaincreektrading.com OK!! Some of you guys are going to gripe me out :twisted: because now you know another of my little secrets :wink: