I can live with the Saturday opener, since it gives us an extra weekend in the gun season. It WAS a bit easier in the past, however, since many now need to rush to there hunting places after work on a Friday. I for one would love an early muzzleloader season, since I have NO desire to hunt anymore after the regular gun season with the holidays approaching and such. I would throw my bow into a river if they would allow muzzleloaders in October. I have seen plenty of deer in the woods over the years, and have moved beyond the point of being content with ONLY seeing deer like many bowhunters seem to be. I have little interest or even less time to go out and just LOOK at a deer at 40 yards, when I know I could bag one with a muzzleloader at this distance. It won't happen, though, since bowhunters think they own the woods in October.
I would NOT like to see antler restriction laws either. The purpose of a game department is to manage the deer herd, and NOT to manage it for trophy hunters. Plenty of respectable deer get taken without the law, if one has a good place to hunt and knows how to hunt, so why change things. It will only drive more hunters to give up hunting. It's not like anyone will all of a sudden take up hunting just because the state would have antler restriction laws.