I have a 7600 (30-06) from the early 80's that I had cut down to slightly less than 19 inches. The accuracy is the same if not slightly better than with the 22 inch barrel. Possibly due to the "stiffening" effect of the shorter barrel. It will shoot right around a minute and a half for 5 shots, cold, clean, hot, dirty, whatever. This length balances real well with the Redfield 1 3/4 by 5 scope on it. I personally wouldn't mind a shorter barrel on a different gun, say similar to the 7600P but wouldn't want to mess with any of the ones I have, they just shoot too well. One of my other rifles is a 7600 carbine (30-06) and its barrel is about 1/4 inch shorter, with peep sights. It carries and shoots real well also. I've never had any problems of any kind with any of my 760/7600's nor did my father or grandfather. They just flat out shoot, accurately and reliably. Hope this helps.