I just bought one and over all I love it but it seems that Benelli's customer service is either non existant or they just don't want to answer my emails.
So I'll post my questions here and hopefully someone can help.
My biggest concerne is with the carrier. When you put a round in the magazine with the pump closed, the carrier remains in the up posistion until you release the action and move the fore end back just a little, then it snaps closed. Not a big issue but anoying. I never had any other pump gun do this. Is it the nature of the beast or is there something wrong?
Second problem I fixed myself. The slug barrel is a bit larger in diameter than the shot barrel. The fore end woud bind on the barrel in the full open possistion. A little careful sanding with my dremmel tool on the inside of the fore end took care of this.
Next question, Is the triger adjustable?