Does anyone have experience with game-trail cameras?
My wife and I want to buy one, but first we thought it best to ask around to see which "flavor(s)" are best liked.
Some of our thoughts:
+We'd like to capture a peak at some of the deer and other critters on our farm.
+We think a digital (vs. 35mm) camera would be best for us.
+We do not know what features are key?
+We think we might spend $250.00 +/-
+What do you think about the infra-red flash vs. traditional white light flash?? We think the "invisible" flash might be good should our camera encounter a trespasser sneaking in or out of our farm...our thinking is that should the trespasser be "flashed" he/she would no doubt attempt to destroy/steal the camera.
+What about locking the camera to a tree? Is it worth the effort?
+Are there particular brands that shine above others?
Thank you!