hardertr, Go to the weather strip section of the Hardware store, and buy a roll of that gray 1 1/2 X 1 1/2 inch foam rubber intended for plugging holes around an air conditioner, and lay it between the weapons. I haven't had guns rub each other since I started doing this many years ago.
Almtnman, You have already started doing what it takes to keep thieves off you stuff. My equipment stays on the bench while I walk down to check / tend targets. Like you, I sling my Featherweight Mod 70 (I bring it because it's the lightest rifle I have). Make a show of looking over your shoulder every 10 or 15 yards, and while you are at the target board. NO ONE wants to try to make a gettaway with your stuff, when you have just proven a tire would be an easy 200 yard shot !