If your looking for a Colt replica, or near replica, My vote goes for USFA "Rodeo" or the newer "Cowboy" model, which is polished blue. You can find the Rodeo's for what a nice Uberti goes for sometimes, and I agree with Lloyd on they are really well made. Anything from Uberti would be next on my list for a Colt Replica, cause I'm thinking since you mentioned a replica, you need to have those 4 clicks and loading at half cock and all that neat Colt replica stuff. I just put money down on another Colt replica, it's an Evil Roy model from Cimmaron, it was used, they had $450 on it, and next to it was a new Rodeo for a bit less than $550, but it was in the wrong caliber so I grabbed the Uberti.
I hope I don't have a run in with the service dept at Cimmaron like Lloyd did....I hate it when something like that happens, this will be the first Uberti from Cimmaron I'm buying, the others Uberti's I bought were from EMF.