Language may one of the barriers, but access to the interent may be another.
I was able to get on the internet fairly fast down here in South Africa with an ISP called I-Burst it is a wireless dial-up service. Reception is spotty and service is slow, especially with a very advanced full featured websites like GBO. It took 3 tries to get the reply window open. There is a lot of information to be transmitted over 10,000 miles from the server by who knows what means.
The wirless reciever cost me almost $400. I pay $100 a month for 3 gigs. That is a bunch of money down here.
To get ADSL is about the same cost but it can take 3 or 4 months to get the phone company to hook you up. I have ordered ADSL as this I-Burst has been getting worse since they cut the tree down in the front yard. Don't ask me why, the experts say it should not have made a difference.