NEF!!!!! For $200 you have a gun for both kids (I have 4 - Love 'em!). I know as I am a south paw with 2 sons and a wife that shoot - 2LH, 2RH shooters and we all share. Best value gun on the market, great customer support, and multiple barrel option if you send back to factory for fitting. Personally, for the cost I think buying the whole gun is the way to go with shipping, barrel cost getting close to new gun cost.
And they are accurate! Shooting 5/8" groups today with brand new .22 mag - don't have 50 rounds through her yet. I plan on bedding the forearm, pillar, doing a trigger job, and crowning the muzzle - then it will really shoot! Check out Precision Rifleworks Forum - those guys are doing some great work and are big supporters of these guns.
If you order one, go with the laminate stock ultra - much nicer than the synthetic, in my opinion. Cant be beat for the $$$$$$$$.