Author Topic: Do 45-70 cases fit in 410 Buttstock?  (Read 521 times)

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Do 45-70 cases fit in 410 Buttstock?
« on: January 06, 2007, 01:06:20 PM »
Hey all, does anybody know if the 410 stock they make like this:

will hold 45-70 shells securely?  Just a thought.  Thanks.

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Re: Do 45-70 cases fit in 410 Buttstock?
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2007, 02:36:59 PM »
I just checked. No they don't I thought you were onto somthing there too sorry. 

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Re: Do 45-70 cases fit in 410 Buttstock?
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2007, 02:47:52 PM »
Funny you should ask Matt, If you recall I had asked that question off and on for a year or so and asked anyone here who may have had a Tamer Buttstock and a 45-70 to try a 45-70 shell in the Tamer stock to find out. No luck...My idea was to mate the Tamer stock to my 45/70 barrel with a Survivor storearm forearm and make a nice and handy walking around woods rifle which could carry it's own ammo. Well I finally was able to locate and buy a hard to get Tamer buttstock in .410 without the gun, and guess what, 45/70 shells would not fit, by just a hair. I took off the small ammo carrier and gently placed a spinning drill bit, I used a 31/64" drill bit but a 1/2" may work also,  into each hole and now 45/70 shells are a snug fit and it still works just as well for .410 shells. I was speaking with Chaote Machine 2 days ago about getting an older threaded Survivor screw (old = 1/4x28 as opposed to newer thread of 1/4x20 for forearm screws) and spoike to the woman there about my easy conversion. I am calling back on Monday and am going to advise them of the drill size I used. One piece of advice, if you do this adjustment to the Tamer stock, after you remove the shell carrier from the stock and before you drill the holes (just bearing reaming them out really)  first loosen the 2 small screws on the face side of the shell holder and remove the small pieces of rubber which actually hold the .410 shells in place after they are inserted into the holder, then replace them after you are done reraming the holes out, otherwise you can damage the small rubber "ears"  which protrude out each way from the screw and hold the .410 shells in place by friction. I know from expierence since I did it and ruined one "ear" and have to replace the piece of rubber, another reason for the call to Choate. If they will not sell me a piece I can fabricate one from a piece of inner tube but I would rather have it as from the factory. With just a little work the .410 Tamer buttstock can become a nice compact 45/70 buttstock. I would not shoot to many full house loads through it unless you add a nice Sims slip on recoil pad. I have one that fits fine, it is a size small Sims slip on, but think I will just use my favorite 28.0 grains of 2400 behind a Hornady 350 grain RN or FP bullet when the gun is set up with the Tamer stock. That load shoots very accurately with very little recoil and will easily harvest any deer I might find in Maine, and they grow pretty big up there ....<><.... ;D

edited for drill size (31/64") and Sims slip-on recoil pad size (small)....
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Re: Do 45-70 cases fit in 410 Buttstock?
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2007, 02:55:53 PM »
Jason!!!, where were you throughout the last year!!! I asked that question several times with no another question I have asked with no response, if anyone with a 45/70 Handi has a chronograph how about the velocity of my favorite load, a 350 grain Hornady half jacket RN or FP ahead of 28.0 grains of 2400...Thanks if any can let me know....Andy....<><.... ;D
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Re: Do 45-70 cases fit in 410 Buttstock?
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2007, 03:06:12 PM »
I have the chronograph but not the Handi yet. From what I read they are the most reliable Handi going other then shotguns.

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Re: Do 45-70 cases fit in 410 Buttstock?
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2007, 03:10:53 PM »
Thanks for the reply gould, I hope you get one soon, but beware they are addicting!!! I think everyone that has a Handi should have a 45/70!!!....<><.... ;D
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Re: Do 45-70 cases fit in 410 Buttstock?
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2007, 03:17:15 PM »
I tell ya, I'm all for maxing out the versitility on our little Handis.
But man who would want to deal with felt recoil from a 45-70 off a set of short/hard/narrow Tamer stocks? Thats brutal !
Still I give ya'ns props for the suggestions. Maybe with some light trapdoor loads it might be bearable.
I suppose the same could be said of the same set offered in 12ga :o ;D :-X


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Re: Do 45-70 cases fit in 410 Buttstock?
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2007, 03:29:22 PM »
I am sure It would not be comfortable seated at the bench, but for that you can use the Sims slip on pad. Without the pad at the bench it  reminds me of how my shoulder felt after annual training and qualifiication with the issue 870's shooting from the prone position, if you have not had the enjoyment of shooting 25 consecutive rounds of 12 gauge slugs from the prone try it, but don't blame me for the sore and black and blue shoulder....but to offset that I can not remember any recoil from any gun I have ever shot at game in my I would not think twice about shooting it in a hunting situation, but remember I said for that I would most likely carry my 28.0 grain load of 2400 with a 350 grain Hornady. Just keep the stock pulled back firm against your shoulder, line up the sights, and squeeze the trigger!!!....<><... ;D
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Re: Do 45-70 cases fit in 410 Buttstock?
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2007, 03:33:51 PM »
I do like the Tamer stock, don't get me wrong. But I'm 6'4 and that length of pull on such a short stock is a killer to me.
 Though I do have plans of a nice very light weight pack gun shottie coming soon with the 12ga Tamer stocks ;)
I guess I'll limit them to my shotguns.

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Re: Do 45-70 cases fit in 410 Buttstock?
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2007, 03:40:35 PM »
OK buddy, and best of luck on your light weight pack gun....<><.... :)

I try many differnet configurations with my Handis, most don't last long but it sure is fun mixing and matching parts. My .410 Tamer stock is now on a .410, I don't where it might be next week though, depends on what Choate says and if they sell me a 20 gauge shell carrier for it, if they do I might get a 12 gauge carrier also. I will know when I call them back Mionday....<><.... :)
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Re: Do 45-70 cases fit in 410 Buttstock?
« Reply #10 on: January 06, 2007, 06:56:48 PM »
MSP, thanks. I hope to go forth with my pack gun project very soon. As it hit me while sitting there in the thick brush. I was just thinking of a short/light weight/ and versitile gun that was easy to pack. And have run this route. Look for a report and pics soon in the SHotgun forum.



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Re: Do 45-70 cases fit in 410 Buttstock?
« Reply #11 on: January 07, 2007, 02:12:49 AM »
Will these buttstocks take the abuse the .45-70 can hand out without failing?  Plastic does absorb some of the recoil.

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Re: Do 45-70 cases fit in 410 Buttstock?
« Reply #12 on: January 07, 2007, 02:43:13 AM »
Well the Monte Carlo synthetics, straight synthetic shotgun stocks, and survivivor synthetic sets have regularly been taking all the recoil that 12 Gauge Mags, 30-06's, 308's, and yes, even 45/70's have been dishing out for years now so I see no reason why they won't continue to do so. If anything the Tamer stocks may be even stronger the the others because the others are hollow, the Tamer stocks are solid. And they do make the Tamer in a 12 gauge configuration....<><.... :)
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