I am very let down to say the least. I among many were looking forward to a 444 Barrel. But was skeptical what the twist and bore diameter would turn out.
Take my name off the list as well
Mac, I understand your disgust. You have put yourself out,
way more than most people know, trying to help inform the company on what Handi owners want and are clamoring for.
nomosendero and I were talking -while briefly- just the other day about how messed up things were over at NEF and the bad decisions being made.
I for one, will end up going the custom route to get exactly what I want. It may cost a little more, but there are people/friends out there that are willing to put a little more time into these little "humble" rifles. PrecisionRW is doing some very promising stuff, and I have been reading more into what they are doing. I am happy to see this
Not even mentioning Wayne's extended work.
It gives us some much needed options.
It's too bad Mrs Linch I believe...(? sorry if this is wrong. It's been awhile sence her name came up
)... wasn't in any position to help, with her health and all. She was a glimmer of hope thats for sure.