I've been listening and putting things togeather. I have a gut feeling that something is coming down, and our government is not doing the things neccessary to stop it.
1. A man of middleastern decent was caught at the mexican border with a lot of money, and plans for a nuclear device.
2. Port Of Miami. They found a container that tested positive for explosives, turned out to be automobile parts. But somehow that container got contaminated by explosive residue. Where did the explosives go?
3. A large number of people caught crossing into the US from Mexico are Middleastern men.
4. Some of those Middleastern men have been found with the plans of major bridges and tunnels.
5. We don't inspect most of the containers coming into this country, so therefore it is easy to ship in anything. Just look at the drugs that are shipped in and we can't seem to stop them.
6. Islamic extreamist have declared they will hit us again.
I fear that they will carry out co-ordinated attacks at the same time at many differant places around the counrty. I honestly hope I'm wrong, but I am now afraid for my family that lives in the lower 48. My gut feeling tells me something is coming and we are not doing anything about it. Our southern border is wide open. It's harder for me to go to the capital of my state, (If I drive I have to have a passport) than it is for someone to get across the southern border from Mexico.