Author Topic: 45 colt  (Read 4331 times)

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Offline WL44

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Re: 45 colt
« Reply #30 on: February 01, 2007, 08:50:37 PM »
There's a nice article on John Linebaugh's website - "The 45 Colt, dissolving the myth, discovering the potential" (or something like that).

Check it out, if you are interested in this topic. It makes for good reading (even if you aren't a .45 fan).


Offline Lloyd Smale

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Re: 45 colt
« Reply #31 on: February 01, 2007, 11:04:39 PM »
required reading for any avid handgunner!!!!!!!
There's a nice article on John Linebaugh's website - "The 45 Colt, dissolving the myth, discovering the potential" (or something like that).

Check it out, if you are interested in this topic. It makes for good reading (even if you aren't a .45 fan).

blue lives matter

Offline redhawk500

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Re: 45 colt
« Reply #32 on: February 02, 2007, 03:48:47 AM »
so if my S&W 25-5 won't hold up to the hot loads, will my S&W 27-2 in 357 mag. be weak also? is thr ruger red hawk the only one? i sure like the smooth triggers on my smiths
I like the my 25-5 and 27-2 also.  I do not use "Ruger Only" hot loads in the 25-5.  My personal rule of thumb for the 25-5 is to limit my every day loads to those from the Speer Reloading manual or Lyman Pistol and Revolver manual in the "regular" load section.  Some authors have suggested starting loads for the "Ruger Only" data can be used occasionally in the 25-5.  18.5 grains of 2400 isn't listed anymore for the .45 Colt, 1040 fps in my S&W 25-5 6 inch, but a chronograph should allow you to develop load data, starting below with WLP primers or similar and stopping at or below.  I use a maximum 10.0 grains of Unique from my old Lyman 45th edition, long out of print, before pressure testing, but accurate and powerful, near 960 fps.   There is a worhwhile increase in performance between SAA only loads and modern revolver loads, but no need to go past 21,000 psi, the level of .45 ACP +P loads used in the 625 .45 ACP revolvers.  The ACP case is nearly the same diameter as the .45 Colt, resulting in the same cylinder wall thickness (.4760" and .4800" respectively), and I'm sure the modern 25-5 and 625 S&Ws are similarly manufactured, with the same heat treating and so on.  The problem is a lack of test data for this level of performance.  My handloads taken from current manuals exceed the factory velocities without exceeding pressure standards or straining the gun.  8.5 grains of Unique with 255 grain cast SWC comes from the Lyman Pistol & Revolver Handbook, for 845 fps nominal, 200 gr JHP with 9.5 grains of Unique, 934 fps nominal.  If you prefer a JHP, the Speer Reloading Manual Number 12 lists: 12.5 Grains HS-6 with 200 grain JHP for 1081 fps, 13.0 grains of Blue Dot for 225 JHP, 1036 fps, 13.0 grains Blue Dot with 260 grain JHP for 941 fps.  Speer uses a six inch S&W 25-5 to develop their data.
Factory .45 Colt 250 grain Speer Gold Dots give 722 fps from my 25-5, 900 fps nominal.  Using Hornady 250 grain HP-XTP bullets and 13.0 grains of Blue Dot, I get 869 fps with WLP primers.
I don't handload for the .357 Magnum but like Magtech 158 grain JSP accuracy-wise.  No reason this shouldn't be a good deer load but I have no proof of performance.  The 27-2 is an excellent choice for use with .357 Magnum loads, since it is an N-Frame revolver.  If a load is  listed in any pressure tested, modern, reloading manual, do proper load development and enjoy!   

Offline redhawk500

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Re: 45 colt
« Reply #33 on: February 02, 2007, 04:57:50 AM »
all large framed rugers both old modes and new will take ruger level loads. Its the new smaller framed guns that WONT!!! that would include the new aniversary .357s converted and the .45 colt vaqueros on the smaller frame.
I just sent a 50th Anniversary .357 Magnum for conversion to .44 Special by Gallagher in Alabama.  I'm assuming this conversion can be loaded to modern Colt SAA levels.  I didn't mike the cylinder to determine diameter compared to a S&W 24 or SAA.  Any data out there?

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Re: 45 colt
« Reply #34 on: February 02, 2007, 07:43:00 AM »
I did a model 28, years back.

Model 28 converted to .44 special:

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Re: 45 colt
« Reply #35 on: February 03, 2007, 08:47:03 PM »
Recently i read an article about Lindbough that mentioned his wife routinely took whitetails with the 45 using hardcast at about 1000fps.  His and othe research I have read leads me to believe that 1000 to 1200 is the sweet spot for velocity.

Offline redhawk500

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Re: 45 colt
« Reply #36 on: February 05, 2007, 06:30:14 AM »
After reading all the post requirement for low pressure and price, try Master Cartridge - Mfr# MC45LJN Handgun Cartridge, .45 Colt, 260-Grain Hollow Point Bullet, 20 Rounds Per Box
Item #: 41249
Our Low Price: $13.98
This is from Cheaper Than Dirt's webpage.  This one is cheaper, still at standard velocity and pressure load.  Since you didn't specify reloads, no point in mentioning all the advantages. 
Blazer .45 Colt loads might be a second choice.  The cases aren't reloadable, but this isn't a factor for the non-reloader.  This is a 200 grain JHP at 900 fps.  Shoot behind the shoulder and you should have good results. 
CCI Blazer Ammunition 45 Colt (Long Colt) 200 Grain Jacketed Hollow Point Box of 50 Product #: 188752 Manufacturer #: 3584 Our Price: $26.99
Choosing from factory loads, I like the CorBon 200 grain JHP at 1100 fps in the .45 Colt as a deer load, having used .45 ACPs to slightly lower performance levels successfully, but it is listed as a +P load.  Having loaded Speer Reloading manual 200 grain JHPs to higher levels in .45 ACP revolvers, these loads are for modern .45 Colts, like the S&W 625 and 25, not replicas or pre-war Colt SAA gun.  They are more expensive but a box to sight-in and a box to hunt with, 20 rounds each, is a cheap investment compared to a hunting trip.