I have just two bullet weights I shoot in my CZ 550 American in 7x57mm. One is the 162 grain Hornady SST and the other is the 160 grain Nosler Partition. I use the same load for both weights and get stupendous accurach with each. Because the CZ has a very long throat, I have to load the bullets way, way out there to get within .01 inch from the lands. My COL with the 162 grain SSTs is 3.295. I cannot even load a 140 grain bullet and get near the lands, nor a 154 grain Hornady either. I use Remington cases, Federal large rifle primers, 48.3 grains of H414 powder. The 162 grains have a chronographed velocity of 2,815 fps at 10 feet from the barrel. This load gives me half inch groups at 100 yards. This is a hot load, but shows no pressure signs at all in my rifle. Your rifle may be entirely different, so if you decide to try it, drop down five grains and work up in half grain increments. Your Mark II has a barrel twist of 1x9.5. Mine has a twist of 1x8.66 inches, which is very well suited for the longer bullets such as the 160 and 175 grain projectiles. You might go to reloadersnest.com and then click on the rifles section, then find 7x57mm and you'll find a boatload of loads and information about the little 7mm and most other calibers as well. Good luck ... Tom Purdom