I think Idaho really needs to be educated on the issue of in-lines muzzleloaders. I wish some of the large manufactures of muzzleloaders would help educate state legislators instead of putting their money into hunting programs on the Outdoor Channels or putting money towards the big name hunters. There has been a decrease in mule deer number here in Utah and throughout the west. Some of the reasons for the decrease in numbers of mule deer, is drought, predation, poachers and loss of habitat. I believe it is not the in-line or other hunting methods that is decreasing deer numbers but the loss of habitat and years of drought. For years there has been a cap placed on the number of hunters in Utah and still the mule deer numbers are suffering. If, you want to increase the number of deer you need to increase habitat. Through out the years homes, mining, fires, habitat, poaching and drought have been the major reasons for decrease deer numbers not hunting methods.