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Offline Sheila

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wind turbines
« on: January 15, 2007, 03:24:02 PM »
I don't know why some people are griping about having wind turbines here in Pennsylvania. Some people say they are a health hazard, one person said it will affect the water shed, and some people say they kill birds. I mean, it^is good clean energy, no pollutin, plus they provide jobs, and another thing, some people say they are ugly,and they are noisy. I don't think they are ugly, and they make a woosh should when they turn. And this thing about them killing birds, think about how many of them are killed by cats, cars, windows, and plane engines. I beat these people eat chicken. Weather theses people like it or not, we might have to depened on wind energy one of these days, people if a terrorist attacks a power plant, its going to take years for the plant to get back to normal, or it may never be back to normal, but if a wind turbine is attacked, they would be put up in a  month.

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Offline billy_56081

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Re: wind turbines
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2007, 03:28:34 PM »
We have lots of wind turbines here in southern Mn. I've heard a few of the same coments about em. But the majority of the people like them. I think some of these greenies want us to live in the stone ages again. ::)
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Offline Sheila

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Re: wind turbines
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2007, 03:57:37 PM »
They should but power generators along the Susquhanna, and Missippi rivers. I just wonder if thoses greenies fart.

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Offline billy_56081

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Re: wind turbines
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2007, 04:03:34 PM »
I've wondered the same thing about them farting.

The latest thing the greenie are complaining about is cattle methane causing global warming. Maybe buffalo don't fart as much? We could get millions to do a study on whether cows fart more n buffalo. How casn anyone take em seriously?  :D
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Offline powderman

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Re: wind turbines
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2007, 04:41:55 PM »
The greenies are really a bunch of sickos. Maybe they could give a bunch of money to buy BEANO for all of the bovines in America. The greenies, peta, and aclu are like 3 peas in a pod. Throw em all in a sack, shake em up, they are still crap. I always wanted a windmill for electricity. Federal law says that if you generate more than you use, the power co must pay you for it. Man, I'd love to send them a bill every month, and they better not be late paying it. POWDERMAN.  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
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Offline rockbilly

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Re: wind turbines
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2007, 05:00:12 PM »
They are growing out of every little pile of dirt here in West Texas.  (Course that is about the only thing that grows in some places here.) Around my place, West of Abilene, they have sprung up all over the place.  They are moisy, the sound would drive me crazy if I lived in the area and had to listen day after day.  There are currently several law suits from folks who live in the areas around the turbins because the noise bothers them. 

I know it is a good source of power, but I have to agree, I wouldn't want one next door either.

Offline Sheila

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Re: wind turbines
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2007, 08:05:46 AM »
Well Rockbill, would you rather have a powerplant next door?  The ones here are rather quiet. The only noise I have to put up with around is the neighbors yapinng dog, and someone coming down the road with their car radio blasting. Rockbill, Texas has alot of cattle right. they could use a lot of thta poop from them and generate electricty. There are people that are doing it.

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Offline Sheila

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Re: wind turbines
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2007, 08:15:52 AM »
I care about the enviroment, but not to the extend those wackos are doing it. I get made when i see garbage in the woods, or see dirty smoke coming out a smoke stack. That is being a conservative. I mean, who wants to breath in posions giving off by some of these plants?  And the cars, they should be runned on a alternative fuel. All those grass clippings I bag up every summer and dump them could be refined and be made into a fuel source for cars. 

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Offline rockbilly

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Re: wind turbines
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2007, 08:38:30 AM »
Yeap, we have a lot of cattle out this way, and they do expell gas from time to time, but of course, us Texans are also full=of-bulla, and have been known to expell a little gas ourselves.

Sheila, I do not live near the wind turbined, but have property in that area. (mine is void of hills and peaks for wind turbins so I do not have an income form them)  I have noticed a madding whoosh, whoosh, whoosh when out at the farm.  It is not really noisy, just an annoying sound that tends to get on one's nerves after a while.  I understand the concern of those that have lived in peace and quite for many, many years and are now invaded with the wind turbines.  We do need additional sources of power, but the preoblem here is the power generated in West Texas goes to Flordia.  Flordia Power and Light ownes the turbines in this area, the only good we ACTUALLY get is that the land owwners where the turbins are located are compensated for the use of their land. 

As I said, I condone them, but would not like living close to one, and would be mad as hell if they constructed one in my back yard after living here in the peace and quite for well over 40 years.

Offline Sheila

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Re: wind turbines
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2007, 03:22:55 PM »
Thats stupid to have that power go to Florida.

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Offline rockbilly

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Re: wind turbines
« Reply #10 on: January 17, 2007, 05:12:29 AM »
FPL is the money behind the development of wind turbine farms here in West Texas, they route the electricty to the area that pays them the most for their service. 

I am sure that the winds off the Gulf and ocean side of Flordia would run a wind turbine, but "oh what it would do to the landscape."  Kinda makes one wonder why they did not build the there.  I think they would look great surrounding Miami, or near Disneyworld.  There are lots of islands in the Keys that would be great for wind turbines.  This said, you can understand why they elect to place them in an area like West Texas, doesn't tick-off as many people.

Offline Sheila

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Re: wind turbines
« Reply #11 on: January 17, 2007, 07:52:52 AM »
Or they could harness the power of the Atlantic, and the gulf to generate power.

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Offline toysoldier

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Re: wind turbines
« Reply #12 on: January 19, 2007, 07:08:58 PM »
We have "wind farms" going up in Kansas. There's a big one operating in western Kansas, and the windmills are sure a lot more attractive than the feedlots. I figue the blades are less deadly than the stench blowing off a million cattle. They're also proving to be a bit of a tourist attraction. Our coastlines should be lined with windmills, as well as tidal generators. But folks who own coal mines also own congressmen, so things won't change quickly.

Offline Brett

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Re: wind turbines
« Reply #13 on: January 20, 2007, 03:07:51 AM »
Don't you eventually become accustomed (oblivious) to the sound they make?   Heck, I went to college in WV, my dorm room was less than 100 yards from a major rail line that had 100+ car long coal trains rumbling through every half hour or so day and night.    Our bunk beds would literally shake when the trains passed through. But after the first couple of weeks or so we hardly even noticed the trains any more. They just became part of the 'normal' background noise like birds or frogs to us country folk or traffic noises and sirens to a city dweller.

Speaking of birds I doubt that the wind mills kill very many of them. If a bird is dumb enough to fly into a stationary object that is that big and noisy chances are it would kill its self by flying into someones car or picture window sooner or later any way.

And are the wind turbines any less attractive than cell phone towers?  I don't think so, and probably a lot less hazardous to ones health.

You guys sound like a bunch of NIMBYs to me.  You all complain that something needs to be done about the cost of energy but when a solution is propossed you all cry "Not In My Back Yard".

 If I could afford one of the darn things I would put one on the back of my lot and send the power company a bill for the extra power I sell them each month.     
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Offline magooch

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Re: wind turbines
« Reply #14 on: January 20, 2007, 03:26:20 AM »
Hydro-power is still the best and if it weren't for all the stupid tree huggers and environazis, there are lots of good sites left to be developed.  What should happen is that anyone who opposes development of new power sources should be cut off.  Let them live without electriciy, or let them generate their own.  The same thing goes for those who oppose drilling for oil--wherever it is; let them produce their own fuel.

Offline Sheila

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Re: wind turbines
« Reply #15 on: January 20, 2007, 03:23:13 PM »
If we want clean air, then turbines, and cars that run on cornoil, or refined grass is the answer, but we won't get these things if the wackos have it their way.

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