There is a lot more strenth in a Super Black Hawk that in a Std Black Hawk
The BH is stronger than the NEW Vaquero--BUT many folks push the .45 Colt to near .44 Mag in power in the BH. I have both a 45Colt and a 44Mag. to me if I want Magnum power I shoot the 44 Mag. Some Manuals have hot loads listed for Rugers and Freedom Arms only. If you want to use hot 45Colt loads use a Well known reloading Manual , such a Speer.
The Speer #13 manual shows for a 45 Colt 260 gr JHP -20.5 gr of W296 for 1183 fps. NOT for a NEW VAquero
It shows for a 44 Mag -270 gr. GD-SP--21.0 H110 for 1309 fps---
If you are looking for magnum performance go to a magnum.
The Speer manual warns against loading the 45 Colt (Ruger/TC/FA only) to 44 Magnum PRESSURES...not velocities. However, the closest "Apples to Apples" comparison of showing the superiority of safe, heavy 45 Colt loads over the 44 mag
was actually in the Speer # 13 manual.
1) "In the
44 Mag data, the 300 grain Uni-Core soft point atop a max charge of W296 achieved
1187 FPS, tested from Copper Crusher Equipment at a max pressure of
40,000 CUP (Speer manual, p 566)
2) "In the
45 Colt data (Ruger/TC only), the 300 grain Uni-Core soft point atop a max charge of W296 achieved
1193 FPS, tested from Copper Crusher Equipment at a max pressure of
25,000 CUP (Speer manual, p 586)
In this example, the 44 mag requires 37.5% more chamber pressure to move the same weight, same bullet design/construction to essentially the same velocity. I would rather have a 45 Colt anyday.