I'd like to know just when and who took the basic principal of democracy away with the vote? I neither believe in the Democratic or Republican party. I've been working a lot of hours lately but, haven't see Bush say or do anything about $4@ gallon gas, yet. I don't think it matters who is currently in the white house. If we get someone who is willing to vote pro gun, they won't vote pro labor but are willing to raise taxes. I'd also like to see a NO CONFIDENCE (a none of the above) option on all ballots, and a term limits on all public offices. This from a current election judge.
Maybe we need to include a perjury penalty in the oath of office for all politicians, for their indiscretion during campaigning and stop all the mud slinging during campaigning?
While I'm dreaming, I'd like to be able to legally sue any politician for not keeping his or her promises while running for office, and take their war chest away from them? ie: Hillary, Nancy, Diane and Teddy. Let's hurt them in their pocket book and see how they like being on unemployment.
Rant mode off. I'm going to do some deep breathing exercisers, now.