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Offline Sourdough

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Gun Control Is alive and going strong in the House
« on: January 27, 2007, 10:44:29 AM »
Any one seen anything on the three new bills going through the House?   Here are the ways it was explained to me. 

One is to raise the age to buy a semi auto to the age of 21.  That means that your kid can't go and buy his Ruger 10-22, or Marlin 60 till he turns 21.

The second one establishes that you are responsiable if a minor gets your gun and causes damage.  That means If someone steals your guns and gives them to a kid you are responsiable for what they do with it.  Or if you lose your keys and a kid finds them and gets into your gun cabinet and steals a gun you are responsiable for what he does with it.

The third one claims to close the Gun Show Loophole.  A federal permit must be issued before a gun show can be planned or organized.  Also that Law Enforcement can come in and search, inspect, and confiscate without a warrent at any gun show.  No deals can be made to sell or purchase a gun to a private individual at the gun show, to sell or purchase a gun outside the gun show.  (In other words, while you are attending the gun show, if you meat a friend that wants to buy a gun from you that is at your home, if you agree and tell him to come by your house tomorrow to pick it up you are in violation). 
Where is old Joe when we really need him?  Alaska Independence    Calling Illegal Immigrants "Undocumented Aliens" is like calling Drug Dealers "Unlicensed Pharmacists"
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A 'Veteran' -- whether active duty, discharged, retired, or reserve -- is someone who, at one point in his life, wrote a blank check made payable to 'The United States of America,' for an amount of 'up to, and including his life.' That is honor, and there are way too many people in this country today who no longer understand that fact.

Offline Almtnman

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Re: Gun Control Is alive and going strong in the House
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2007, 11:12:23 AM »
I got this from GOA a few days ago, it is all that I know that they are trying to get through right now, but there might be other bills.

The first major anti-gun bill of the new Congress has already been introduced, and it could prove to be the most serious threat to the Second Amendment we face under the new congressional leadership.

On the first full day of the new Congress, anti-gun Rep. Carolyn McCarthy introduced H.R. 297, the most massive expansion of the Brady law since it passed in 1993. This is a bill you helped kill last
year, but the new House leadership will be even more eager to pass it than were their predecessors.

This bill provides, in the form of grants, about $1 billion to the states to "provide the National Instant Criminal Background Check System [NICS] with all records concerning persons who are prohibited
from possessing or receiving a firearm under subsection (g) or (n) of section 922 of title 18, United States Code, regardless of the elapsed time since the disqualifying event."

Covered under this bill are records pertaining to the Lautenberg misdemeanor gun ban, lists of persons under indictment, mental health records, records relevant to the identification of illegal aliens and other records.

NICS is the system used by the FBI to conduct a background check prior to a firearm sale by a federally licensed gun dealer. Most people are aware that NICS records include a list of convicted
felons, but there are many other categories of persons who are prohibited from possessing firearms for which computerized lists may not be available. It is these categories that are targeted by this bill.

For instance, the bill expands upon the unconstitutional Lautenberg misdemeanor gun ban [922 (g)(9)]. This gun ban, passed as an amendment to a 1996 omnibus spending bill and signed into law by President Clinton, was originally introduced by leading anti-gun Senators Frank Lautenberg, Dianne Feinstein, and Edward Kennedy.

Under the Lautenberg ban, people who have committed very minor offenses that include pushing, shoving or, in some cases, merely yelling at a family member can no longer own a firearm for self-defense.

The Lautenberg gun ban should be repealed, not expanded.

The bill also seeks to computerize records of persons "under indictment for a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year." Such persons, though not even convicted of the
crime in question, are prohibited from possessing a firearm.

The gun grabbers are seeking to force the states to provide the federal government all of these indictment records, updated quarterly. Given the maxim among those in the legal profession that
prosecutors can get a grand jury to "indict a ham sandwich," this, too, is a gun prohibition that should be repealed, not expanded.

Mental health records are also covered under the McCarthy bill.

This could have a significant impact on American servicemen, especially those returning from combat situations and who seek some type of psychiatric care. Often, veterans who have suffered from
post-traumatic stress disorder have been deemed as mentally "incompetent" and are prohibited from owning guns under 18 U.S.C. 922(g)(4). Records of those instances certainly exist, and, in 1999,
the Department of Veterans Administration turned over 90,000 names of veterans to the FBI for inclusion into the NICS background check system.

Mental health records can also have a future impact on young people, as this country trends closer to mandatory mental health screening for students. In a 2003 report by a subcommittee of the President's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health, the author states that "The problem of emotional disorders in children is large -- 20% of all children are affected -- and it seems to be growing." It is unknown how these people will be categorized in the future.

The fact that metal health 'experts,' a notoriously anti-gun community, would have a say in who is allowed to possess a firearm is, quite frankly, frightening. Many in the profession would just as soon consider anyone who owns a gun as 'mentally incompetent.'

Another sobering thought is how computerized data are often mishandled. Consider the disturbing news reports that 25 million Social Security number records of veterans were hacked. The more that
our private data gets added into government computers, the more likely we are to have our identity compromised.

Perhaps the provision that would lead to the greatest number of 'fishing expeditions' is that related to illegal aliens.

Federal law prohibits illegal aliens from owning guns. The bill requires all relevant data related to who is in this country illegally. But what records pertaining to illegal aliens from the states would be relevant? Perhaps a better question would be, what records are not relevant?

In order to identify illegal aliens, "relevant" records could allow the FBI to demand state tax returns of all citizens, employment records, library records (we've already seen how these have been
deemed relevant to terrorism investigations), DMV and hospital records -- all in the name of making sure that you're not an illegal.

The sponsor of the bill, Rep. Carolyn McCarthy, is one of the most virulent anti-gunners in the entire Congress. Of the 32 cosponsors of the bill last year, 31 were GOA "F" rated, one was rated "D."
These representatives support the bill because it enhances their gun control agenda, not because they are concerned about protecting your Second Amendment rights.

Also among the bill's supporters are anti-Second Amendment groups like the Brady Campaign and Americans for Gun Safety (AGS). In fact, the McCarthy bill is taken point by point from a 2002 ASG "report" entitled "How America's Faulty Background Check System Allows Criminals to Get Guns."

This bill was first introduced in 2002 by Rep. McCarthy and Sen. Chuck Schumer. It passed out of the House that year, and was only defeated by a GOA-supported filibuster by former Sen. Bob Smith
(R-NH). Since the bill has already been around for several years, look for Speaker Nancy Pelosi to put this bill on the fast track as a way to thank Sarah Brady and her anti-gun cohorts.

The Brady law needs to be repealed, not expanded to allow anti-gun administrations to find new ways to strip citizens of their Second Amendment rights.

ACTION: Gun Owners of America is the only national pro-gun organization opposing the McCarthy bill, so it is imperative that you contact your representative immediately. Please take action today and spread the word about H.R. 297! We need all the help we can get.

You can visit the Gun Owners Legislative Action Center at to send your Representative a pre-written e-mail message. And, you can call your Representative
toll-free at 1-877-762-8762.

---- Pre-written letter to your Representative ----

Dear Representative:

Gun Owners of America has told me that anti-gun Rep. Carolyn McCarthy
is trying to expand the Brady Law via H.R. 297. Well, on behalf of
those millions of Americans who:

* have had their gun purchases held up by the Brady background check
system for no apparent reason;

* know of people who have been targets of stalkers or abusive
husbands -- and were killed (or simply forced to live in fear) while
some bureaucrat in West Virginia fumbled around with their lives;

* have tried to buy a gun when the NICS system was shut down
completely -- thereby blocking gun purchases nationally;

* are just curious why the Brady Instant Check -- which was billed as
"the gun control bill that would stop future calls for gun control"
-- almost immediately became a stepping stone for gun control bills
dealing with gun show background checks, private sale background
checks, and more personal information for the NICS registration

* are wondering why the FBI brags about the number of sales blocked
by the Brady check, but can produce no data showing that the Instant
check system has any relation to crime reduction;

* are struck by the fact that the anti-gun Clinton administration
tried to use the system -- without further legislation -- to impose
onerous fees and to retain records forever; and

* are wondering why the folks responsible for Waco and Ruby Ridge
should be put in charge of determining whether or not I can have a
gun --

I would ask you to oppose H.R. 297, the anti-gun legislation
sponsored by liberal Carolyn McCarthy. Thank you.


The Mountain
"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."~~Thomas Jefferson

Offline Graybeard

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Re: Gun Control Is alive and going strong in the House
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2007, 12:34:58 PM »
I'm a stauch supporter of gun control.

Gun control means hitting what you aim at.  :o

Bill aka the Graybeard
President, Graybeard Outdoor Enterprises

I am not a lawyer and do not give legal advice.

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Offline 379 Peterbilt

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Re: Gun Control Is alive and going strong in the House
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2007, 06:37:07 PM »

Good post.

GOA is now at the top of my favorites list.

It never ceases to amaze me to the extent these insecure pantywaits liberals will go to in order to ultimately end gun ownership. Step by step by step, by step............

Also amusing that they see a "loophole" as being able to sell guns without mucho federal intrution. I see a "loophole" as an opening in the nuse for which to insert the heads of these kommunists.

Offline victorcharlie

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Re: Gun Control Is alive and going strong in the House
« Reply #4 on: January 28, 2007, 02:20:03 AM »
It's often said a Tiger can't change it's stripes......

And your suprised why?
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Offline Almtnman

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Re: Gun Control Is alive and going strong in the House
« Reply #5 on: January 28, 2007, 07:08:45 AM »
The Mountain
"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."~~Thomas Jefferson

Offline nomosendero

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Re: Gun Control Is alive and going strong in the House
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2007, 04:21:29 AM »
In this day and age, why would any political party and their mechanics want citizens to be armed?


Good question,  all political parties have to be watched, but we allready know about the Socialist Democraps. I did enjoy the short rest from the gun control freaks however.

A better question might be, why would a gun owner vote for a Socialist Democrap?

They are tip toeing by their standards. If they win the Pres. in 2008 & retain control of both Senate &
House, it will be show time for them, because it will be their big chance. Within 6 months we will be like Canada or worse, no doubt in my mind.
You will not make peace with the Bluecoats, you are free to go.

Offline victorcharlie

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Re: Gun Control Is alive and going strong in the House
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2007, 12:12:28 PM »
In this day and age, why would any political party and their mechanics want citizens to be armed?


Good question,  all political parties have to be watched, but we allready know about the Socialist Democraps. I did enjoy the short rest from the gun control freaks however.

A better question might be, why would a gun owner vote for a Socialist Democrap?

They are tip toeing by their standards. If they win the Pres. in 2008 & retain control of both Senate &
House, it will be show time for them, because it will be their big chance. Within 6 months we will be like Canada or worse, no doubt in my mind.

Is voting for a socialist republican okay?
"Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. Tolerance in the face of tyranny is no virtue."
Barry Goldwater

Offline nomosendero

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Re: Gun Control Is alive and going strong in the House
« Reply #8 on: January 29, 2007, 05:08:07 PM »
In this day and age, why would any political party and their mechanics want citizens to be armed?


Good question,  all political parties have to be watched, but we allready know about the Socialist Democraps. I did enjoy the short rest from the gun control freaks however.

A better question might be, why would a gun owner vote for a Socialist Democrap?

They are tip toeing by their standards. If they win the Pres. in 2008 & retain control of both Senate &
House, it will be show time for them, because it will be their big chance. Within 6 months we will be like Canada or worse, no doubt in my mind.

Is voting for a socialist republican okay?

Does the Republican party have some Socialist, yep! It has a handful of good folks too like Tancredo
The Socialist Democraps are Socialist top to botoom & are very trashy.

VC, look's like you did not read my post. I will say it again, yes they ALL have to be watched. Again, ALL, ALL ,All, OK?

But it is 100% what the Socialist Democraps will do.True, neither party is free enterprise & I would vote Constitution Party in a second if they get a real canadate to run.  But on the gun control side, if people can't see the difference after this many years, then thy are hammerheads. I know you older Dems don't like it, but you KNOW it's so & you also know that the gun contol part is DIFFERENT with Republicans, I guess you will have to wait until the board hits you in the side of the head. At that point I will thank you Dems every day for voting away the gun rights of my kids & grandkids & I will do so. I am making that promise now, at least as long as Mr. Graybeard will let me! I hope I was more clear this time?
You will not make peace with the Bluecoats, you are free to go.

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Re: Gun Control Is alive and going strong in the House
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2007, 06:47:22 PM »
Liberals no matter what party are no darn good the Republicans have them too like Guliani and McClain. While the Republicans have a few and that is a few too many the dims are loaded with them. While there is maybe a few moderates in the dims who support gun rights they are not as many as the libs who are against it and even if they do support guns they can and will change their votes at times under politcal pressure and keeping with in the party lines. When it comes to gun control I do not trust any dimocrat and hope that any Republican that gets in office will stand up for gun rights.
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Offline JerryNH

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Re: Gun Control Is alive and going strong in the House
« Reply #10 on: January 30, 2007, 02:53:33 AM »
The libs are hypocrites...Mayor Melton of Jackson Mississippi, a member of Mayor Bloomberg's group of mayors against firearms, carrying an illegal concealed weapon.  Rosie O'Donnell's bodyguard applying for a concealed weapons permit in CT. Her reply was he wouldn't be carrying when he was protecting her adopted son. It's always the same song with the as I say, not as I do!

Offline 379 Peterbilt

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Re: Gun Control Is alive and going strong in the House
« Reply #11 on: January 30, 2007, 05:10:22 AM »
Mayor Melton of Jackson Mississippi, a member of Mayor Bloomberg's koalition

I saw that. He made the news when he got caught packing a handgun. His reply?? "I am not just a citizen. I'm the mayor of Jackson Mississippi."

Typical leftist Kommie. He should be pistol whipped. But only with a "legal" gun that is.. ::)

And for Rosie, I'll save my rant on that fat repulsive discusting skank for later.

Offline Almtnman

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Re: Gun Control Is alive and going strong in the House
« Reply #12 on: January 30, 2007, 08:00:25 AM »
His reply?? "I am not just a citizen. I'm the mayor of Jackson Mississippi."

Well, goooooolleeee, I guess being a politician gives him a special place in society.

Somebody should have told him, "no, you're dumb public servant!"
The Mountain
"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."~~Thomas Jefferson

Offline JerryNH

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Re: Gun Control Is alive and going strong in the House
« Reply #13 on: January 30, 2007, 04:05:09 PM »
Yep, that's what I mean about being hypocrites! "I'm not just a citizen, I'm the mayor of Jackson"!?????? It's the ol' Holier Than Thou line! Do as I say, not as I do! What a bunch of crap!