The Ruger is a tank. You will never shoot it out. It is a fine gun, and I have several. However, I like the S&W double action guns much better. Everyone starts off saying the S&W trigger is so much smoother, and it is. I seriously doubt that either of us will do enough shooting to ware out a S&W, especially an L-frame 686. Several years ago I had the opportunity to get a 3" 66 (K-frame) which was not extremely rare, but hard to find, or a 2.5" 7-shot 686. Both are like pointing your finger, especially the 686. I went with the 66 mainly because of the lighter weight and the longer ejector rod, but I sure do wish I had bought the 686 instead. I'd buy it still, except I have so many .357s I don't really want another, and the new 3" .44 Special has recently grabbed my attention. But since I just bought a Smith 25-10 in .45 Colt, and a 638, I'd better lay low for a while. The wife carries a .357 (Ruger SP101) and she might be inclined to use it if she found out I bought two guns instead of just one!
Get the 686. You'll be happy if ya do, and always regret it if ya don't! (Spoken like a true S&W fan!)
Oh, and you're right about the Taurus. Had a real bad experience, and will never buy another.