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Offline kyelkhunter3006

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Exxon-Mobil on Nightly News
« on: February 02, 2007, 07:41:45 AM »
Anyone catch the report last night on the ABC Nightly News?  Profit for last year was 39.5 BILLION, yes, BILLION dollars.  It is the largest yearly profit by one company in HISTORY!!!!!  Glad that they can control costs enough to make a little bit of cash on the outrageous prices of crude oil...............

Offline Ron T.

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Re: Exxon-Mobil on Nightly News
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2007, 10:47:31 AM »
And............ notice NOTHING has been said by our legislators or President about invoking the Robinson-Patman Act concerning "collusion" and "price fixing"?

It must be nice to be able to operate and make such HUGE illegal profits in the U.S. of A. and NOT be subject to the Laws of the Land.

I wonder how many and WHO has been paid off in order to have a Federal Government turn a blind eye to the total disregard for the law!

Don't tell me you haven't noticed that all of the oil companies are charging the SAME AMOUNT of money for their gasoline?!?

That's called "price-fixing", the last time I looked.

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Ron T.
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Offline kyelkhunter3006

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Re: Exxon-Mobil on Nightly News
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2007, 12:36:09 PM »
With 39.5 billion in profits, that can fill a lot of pockets with a nice jingle.................I would say great for their shareholders, but they have to buy gas too.   ;)

Offline jgalar

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Re: Exxon-Mobil on Nightly News
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2007, 05:35:28 PM »
Exxon is publicly owned. You may own stock in the company through your 401K or other investments without even knowing it.

I heard Hillary today say that when she gets elected she will take Exxon's profits and invest in alternative energy. Now that is a scary thought!!!!

Offline magooch

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Re: Exxon-Mobil on Nightly News
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2007, 03:38:30 AM »
The thought of Hitlery as president is a disgusting thought.  It sounds more like she thinks she is running for dictator.

So now it's illegal for big corporations to make a profit?  Those who believe this should be heartened by Ford and GM's recent experience.

Offline kyelkhunter3006

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Re: Exxon-Mobil on Nightly News
« Reply #5 on: February 03, 2007, 04:33:13 AM »
If it wasn't for companies making profits, we wouldn't be based on a Free Enterprise system.  Making a profit is what business is all about.  I do have a problem when a genre of companies says that they have no control over rising material costs and production costs, that they have to raise prices, but then still pull in record setting profits every year.  It's price fixing and we all know it is.

As for Hilllary  "UGH"!  She loves to flap her mouth about anything that will get her attention.  She can't take anyone's profits so that she can do whatever she wants with them.  If she wants to do that, she should get some of her Billy boy's 17 million he's making each year and do something good with it.

Offline ironglow

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Re: Exxon-Mobil on Nightly News
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2007, 06:32:00 AM »
  It is a shame that certain Corporationss make such outlandish profits, just as it is a shame that some CEOs make such outrageous "wages" and bennies..  TM is undoubtedly correct that the bulk of E-M is owned in few hands...but what are we to do ?

  Hugo Chavez's antics have caused me and many others to boycott CITGO petroleum..and I notice that around here, they are running special promotions..trying to sell CITGO..
    If we take the Socialist/Marxist path that Hitlary proposes  we could bleed the Corporations when times are good; but then we would have to "subsidize" when times are not so good. That would mean that big brother federal govt would have to subsidize many, many Corporations when economic indicators are down..a recipe for disaster.
   Then too, if we took the Socialist/Marxist route that Hitlary and other libs want...that would soon lead to govt confiscation of all means of production ala Lenin, Castro and now Chavez...bad economic times would be a great opportunity to do so...

  Those libs never learn, their friends Lenin, Stalin, Mousolini, Castro, Kim Jung Il tried it and the results were a disaster..Now Hugo Chavez is trying the same...
     Nations such as the Baltics, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Roumania, Bulgaria, Albania, East Germany and many others have voted with their hearts and their feet...yet the libs just don't get it !

   Seems like the Lefties never met a Comunist Dictator they didn't like !
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Offline Swamp Fox

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Re: Exxon-Mobil on Nightly News
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2007, 07:03:43 AM »
Before you complain about the amount of profit oil companies make remember that their profit margin is 10%. This is 5-10% lower than most businesses aim for. If they were greedy they would be making 70 Billion in profits.

As mentioned before, this profit doesn't go to one owner, this money is distributed to their investors like retirement funds, mutual funds, 402Ks and tens of thousands of private investors.
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Offline prairiedog555

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Re: Exxon-Mobil on Nightly News
« Reply #8 on: February 03, 2007, 08:07:50 AM »
Its a tough call.  Sure they make a ton of money on a commodity that we all need.  And it would be nice to see the price of gas drop, but the free enterprise system is the cornerstone of our freedom.  I believe in small gov, and states rights.  Gov should not directly meddle in business. 
What should be done is for Gov to actively, not just lip service, promote conservation and alternative sources for energy.  If oil consuption goes down (demand) by mandating higher MPG in cars and use of coal or nuclear for power you will see the price of oil sink. 
And it does not have to be very drastic.  If oil companies and shareholders believed the Gov means lowering consuption the stock will tank. 

Offline ironglow

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Re: Exxon-Mobil on Nightly News
« Reply #9 on: February 03, 2007, 01:27:26 PM »
Swanpman, prariedog..
  Can't argue with either of you guys..I hear people complain about the " evil corporations"..people that have a hefty 401K !

 We must have a little common sense..
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Offline kyelkhunter3006

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Re: Exxon-Mobil on Nightly News
« Reply #10 on: February 04, 2007, 04:34:06 AM »
Swampfox--I've spent almost ten years in retail, not including my current position with a vending company.  At every company I worked for, a 10% profit was considered exceptional.  Most goals were 5%-8%.  That includes Wal-Mart, PETsMART, and Valvoline. 

I agree with TM7, threre is no free enterprise in the oil industry.  If you tried to start your own oil/gas company, you would be stonewalled every step of the way by the big boys, guaranteed.

Check this out:

HOUSTON (AP) -- Oil giant Exxon Mobil Corp. on Thursday posted the largest annual profit by a U.S. company -- $39.5 billion -- even as earnings for the last quarter of 2006 declined 4 percent.

The 2006 profit topped the previous record, also by Exxon Mobil, of $36.13 billion set in 2005. The record earnings amounted to roughly $4.5 million an hour for the world's largest publicly traded oil company, which produces about 3 percent of the world's oil.

It also equals the approximate gross domestic product -- a measure of all goods and services produced within a country in a given year -- of countries like Ecuador, Luxembourg and Croatia.

Also eyepopping was Exxon Mobil's revenue, which rose to $377.64 billion for the year, surpassing the record $370.68 billion it posted in 2005.

In this case 39.5 billion is a profit of more than 10%.

Offline beemanbeme

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Re: Exxon-Mobil on Nightly News
« Reply #11 on: February 04, 2007, 05:04:19 AM »
Okay, all of you complainers that have an IRA or any money in a mutual fund or who's city/county puts excess revenues in the stock market, go to them and demand that they sell their oil company stocks since the horrid things ARE MAKING A PROFIT.
On the one hand you say a company must make a profit to stay alive (so all those folks that work for them can take a paycheck home) but you really sound like you want the "govment" to regulate how much profit they can make. Sounds pretty pinko to me.

Offline dukkillr

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Re: Exxon-Mobil on Nightly News
« Reply #12 on: February 04, 2007, 07:20:13 AM »
Yeah, maybe i'll sell my exxon stock and buy some Ford stock!

Offline kyelkhunter3006

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Re: Exxon-Mobil on Nightly News
« Reply #13 on: February 04, 2007, 09:38:39 AM »
It's got nothing to do with regulating what kind of profits a company makes.  It's about price gouging.  When you have people spending what's basically a house payment to heat their homes due to heating oil or natural gas prics being outrageous, or truck driver's who can't afford to go on the road because what they will get paid for an over-the-road haul won't cover the cost of their diesel, that is a BIG issue. 

You can make the same issue with health insurance if you wanted too. I am generally not one for any type of government regulation, but I'll say straight out that if  some regulation will help with fuel prices or health insurance, I would be for that.

You guys can preach all you want about the gains for shareholders, but if you don't own thousands of shares of stock, what you've gained in your 401K, IRA, or just the stock itself isn't nearly enought to offset what you're spending over the same amount of time on fuel/gas and health insurance.

Offline prairiedog555

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Re: Exxon-Mobil on Nightly News
« Reply #14 on: February 04, 2007, 10:03:53 AM »
I have a friend who has conciously decided to combat the threat of the middle east terrorists.  The only thing he felt that he could do was spend the xtra money and buy a hybrid car.  Thus sending a message not only to oil companies, but to American automakers that he is not going to take it anymore.  (he has always driven Big SUV's)  You might think this is stupid, but think about it if we all did it The Arabs would go back to what they are good at, herding goats.  The market is governed by we consumers.  If we insist on fuel effeicient vehicles, that is what they will make, and the oil companies will drop prices and alternative fuels will be found.  
Notice the price of gas going down recently, that is the result of our Pushers decieding that us Junkies might start thinking and stop using our drug so much if price was too high.  
We all seem to be waiting for the Gov to do something about it,  Won't happen.
I want a new truck, I can afford it, but I will wait untill they make one that gets good mileage and try to drive less.  My friend, who is US citizen, but was born in another country, (Thailand), and fought for US in Vietnam, has inspired me.   He is a better American than most.

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Re: Exxon-Mobil on Nightly News
« Reply #15 on: February 04, 2007, 12:29:40 PM »
What about the people of Alaska Exxon can't pay them!!!!!!!! :'(

Offline wncchester

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Re: Exxon-Mobil on Nightly News
« Reply #16 on: February 04, 2007, 01:07:51 PM »
Several points here have raised my hackles a little bit but I'll only address one: Who is ripping us off? 

I wonder if Exon, etc, sold us all the gas we use with no profit at all, just a benovelent "gift", what the retail price would be?   Then I wonder what the price would be IF the total of all TAXES were removed.  I confess, I don't know what the profit per gallon is, but it's not much so the price we pay wouldn't change much.  On the other hand, the taxes are MUCH more than the profit margin, so our cost would change quite a bit if that were deleted. 

So, who is really gouging us my friends?   Our benevolent government!  As usual, I might add.  And Hillary wants them to have even more of it, as usual I might add, not to reduce our costs but so the Dems can get deeper into our pockets and "help" us with our money.
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Offline Swamp Fox

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Re: Exxon-Mobil on Nightly News
« Reply #17 on: February 04, 2007, 06:56:00 PM »
I stand corrected. It wasn't 10%, it was 10.46%. Sorry if I misled anyone. ::)

In  response to wncchester, I believe the government gets + or - 65 cents per gallon depending on what state you are in. At todays prices the gas company gets about 21 cents @ the 1.99.9 I paid for my last fillup. The 65 cents is supposed to go for road/highway expenses.
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Exxon-Mobil on Nightly News
« Reply #18 on: February 05, 2007, 12:45:25 AM »

       It cost you $1.99 last fill up ?  If you lived in a liberal-run state (NY) as I do, you would be enjoying the privilege of paying $1.39 to$1.43 for regular gas..
   Some folks here drive over to the reservation, where they pay no state/federal taxes...sell you gas for .10 less, and pretend they are doing you a favor !
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Offline Awf Hand

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Re: Exxon-Mobil on Nightly News
« Reply #19 on: February 05, 2007, 03:13:28 AM »
It appears to me that oil companies can't do anything other than make a profit.  They've got a monopoly imposed on them by the environmentalists.  What should they spend their earnings on?  Exploration?  expanding drilling operations?  Building more refineries? We can all see how well that's going...
I drive a car that gets about 30mpg in the winter and about 40mpg in the summer.  I view the Hybrid car as a bandaid.  I view telecommuting and full linking/accessibility of our info-data as a greater solution.  High fuel costs will only do more to encourage a movement towards a more efficient society.

Who should "SET" the profits of the oil companies?  The feds?!?!  Seems like in some ways they have already (read EPA).   
Go read "Atlas Shrugged".
Just my Awf Hand comments...

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Re: Exxon-Mobil on Nightly News
« Reply #20 on: February 05, 2007, 04:12:29 AM »
Swamp, I accept your numbers.  That means if the mean ol' oil companies sold gas for "free", our $2 gas would be $1.79 or so?  But, if taxes were eliminated and the companies profits stayed the same, our $2 gas would be $.80 or so, right? If so, who is ripping us off?  And just how great are our highways?  In NC, they are not much to brag about. 

Sure, we must have highways and they have to be paid for somehow.  A gas tax is perhaps the most logical way.  But how efficent is the gov. in handling that gas tax money and what would they do with more of it if Hillary gets her way?  I say that no federal or state highway department has time to do much work, they have too many people sitting in too many offices filling out too much paper work to have much money left over to do a lot of good. 

Far too often the highway projects are wasteful pork-barrel projects for elected folk to buy votes back home with our money in exchange for very little benefit to the common welfare.  Can we all say " The Big Dig" in Boston or the "Bridge to Nowhere" in Alaska?  Multiply those two boon-doggles by thousands of  smaller but no less wasteful projects and it amounts to some real money that's largely wasted.  But few of us ever put pressure on our elected "representatives" to stop it, so our gas taxes remain high while we complain over "excessive" profits for the fuel companies that provide the jobs, products and services we need. 

I wonder, how much of that 10.4% total profit is excessive?  And if that "excess" was eliminated, how much would it actually affect prices at the gas pump, a few pennies perhaps? 

Are we finally at the point of such jealous envy - wanting all things to be "fair" of course - that we ask our benevolent government to run our lives and set both the minimum  AND the maximum wages people must be paid by their employers?  Or might it better to allow employers to determine how much a worker, and the price of his product or service, is worth to his business? I think capitalism and free competion is better at doing it than government.  If government controls are good then North Korea, Cuba, France, USSR, etc, would be great places to live and work.  (But I also wonder how much our powerful government officals and self-important politicians would get if voters got to approve their wages and benefits like they want to do for the rest of us?)

So long as we, the over-taxed  and over-regulated public, allow politicians (and their media lap-dogs) to divert attention from their wild spending and high taxes by whining about "over-paid  CEOs and high profits", nothing will improve for us.  And, if we continue to allow them to succeed in limiting our freedoms by controlling our money, perhaps we don't deserve improvement.  Our "rights" as men will continue to errode until they are finally reduced to a serf's "privileges", to be enjoyed with the government's consent. 

In a free society, wages and prices will be controlled by market forces but we have allowed the government to control almost every ascpect of our lives, not just the drilling for and processing of oil, all for the common good of course.   But, how much better are things now that government has so much control? 

I will give you a single, non-controversial example of the value of  our government's total control: the public schools.  From kindergarden to university, bottom to top, they no longer prepare kids to earn a living  Those of you old enough to remember how schools were before we turned them over to the gov. "experts" back in the early 60s and Carter's "Education Dept" in the 70s, I ask you if things are better?  Are we spending too little in the schools, or simply requiring and getting too little from the government for our money?

So, do we really want even more of the gov. control of our fuel companies?  Not me, the environmentalist wackos are already at the controls!  Knowing the government's methods and efficencies, I prefer having enough gas at high prices over having too little at even  higher prices!
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Re: Exxon-Mobil on Nightly News
« Reply #21 on: February 05, 2007, 05:53:48 AM »
TM, don't let me confuse the issue by my poor writting.  I do think there's a place for gov. to act in limiting the excesses of both companies and individuals but we have little protection from gross excesses of gov. itself.  Just as the Alaska pipe-line was installed and operated with little enviromental damage, over howls of outrage by the environmentalists, each new effort to improve our energy pool is again met with the same governmental howls.  Its loss will kill our economy by slow stranglation. 

Yes, I do think we are victims of both the industry and government.  Their's is a forced marriage, neither likes the other at all, but they both get most of what they want; the oil companies have a gov. forced monoply because the taxes and regulations prohibit much competition.  The gov. gets lots of taxes.  So, they both get the gold mine, we get the shaft. 

I trust the market, not the existing companies.  If fuel competition were possible the supply would increase and prices would decrease.  Excess profits invite competition, more regulations and taxes do not.  So long as the gov. insures no serious competition is possible, the supply won't increase because there is no profit in it.  I mean, the oil companies are already selling almost their full processing capacity.  No new plants have been built since the 70s, nor have old ones been expanded much so why should they compete with each other at the pumps? Let us have real competition and things will change but government is what has gotten us here and they both will keep us here if we let them.

We have a lot less "pollution" than gov. enviironmenatlists say.  Not totally without it of course, and that which is bad should be controlled, but we need not be alarmed at many of the "studies" we read or hear about.  What has changed in pollution over recent years is our ability to measure minute amounts not previously possible.  Those trace amounts rarely present a real health hazard but there is no money in saying that.  Alarmists get gov. grants to do more studies, professional Chicken Little's make money looking for it and many companies make a fortune cleaning it up.  IF the gov. were to set rational limits on most chemical exposures, rather than shots in the dark because it can now be measured, we would still be protected but at a greatly decreased cost and worry. 

I used to be a contractor company health/safety officer at a gov. installation.  I got publications that covered some of this.  I don't remember when or what or where it happened but there was once a plant that was being forced to reduce a soil "contaminate" below its normal levels!    Why? Well, some environmentalist in some EPA office got a new meter, went the plant, tested the soild and determind it was above the limits he thought should be permitted and acted on it, as small minds tend to do. 

The company got the same new meter, tested the soil at a post office many miles away and found about the same levels of the "contamination" (Other places too, that's just the one I remember).  It was killed in court of course, but why did it happen at all?  The tyrrany of a small government mind! 

Karl Marx got the idea right but the basis wrong; he thought the pursuit of wealth was the cause of social ills.  Wrong.  It was the pursuit of power.  People unable preform at the CEO level go into government to feed their need for that power, in both socialist and capitalist systems.  And we all know power corrupts!  Let's not let those small minds with government power gain even more control over us, please!  We can't afford the cost of their fixes!
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Re: Exxon-Mobil on Nightly News
« Reply #22 on: February 06, 2007, 06:57:19 AM »
I enjoy listening to people complain about the cost of gas.  Most, but not all, complain the whole time they are driving their F-3500 400 hp duley to their office job, while their wife drives the V-12 Suburban back and forth to the grocery 4-5 times a week.  Even if this example does not apply to you, it applies to millions of others, you just happen to have to pay the price for it.  Same as diamonds.  What? You think I'm crazy? If the only diamonds sold were the industrial use diamonds, prices would be almost nothing.  The price of a good diamond does not reflect the value of the product, but the price elevated by the demand of those that want the look.  If people used the MINIMUM amount of gas NECESSARY to get to and from work and to perform necessary tasks, and had reasonably efficient vehicles gas would be 1.00 a gallon. Instead, people use gas as a luxury. They vehicles with more motor than needed (who needs a Nitro with a 250 hp Merc on the back, or a Hummer???), and drive those vehicles more than necessary, thereby wasting a lot of gas.  You pay luxury prices for luxury goods.

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Re: Exxon-Mobil on Nightly News
« Reply #23 on: February 06, 2007, 02:36:18 PM »
That is a very good comparison between the diamond industry and the oil industry.  Two of the most plentiful things on the planet, and both are controlled by the respective giants of the industry, driving up prices.  I've ever understood why diamonds should demand so much $$ because they are the most prolific of the gem stones.  They are literally everywhere, whereas rubies and emeralds are much more rare, but because of the ingenius marketing of the diamond houses, the demand and prices of diamonds are outrageous.  They hold back the supply, creating a big demand, and driving the price.  Same thing that the Middle Eastern Countries/OPEC does with oil.

Also a very good point about vehicles and luxury.  I know many people driving those $40,000 trucks and SUV's that never haul anything or go off road, etc.  They have no use for the vehicle as it's intended for.  And yes, they yell the loudest about gas prices.

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Re: Exxon-Mobil on Nightly News
« Reply #24 on: February 07, 2007, 07:04:39 AM »
That is kind of my point.  Fuel is a staple, but due to abuse and mismanagement, has been turned into a luxury.  Take all of the 15 mpg vehicles that are status symbols and not functional and replace them with 30-40 mpg vehicles and the ME would drown in oil.  Now, I'm not saying there should be any type of government management involved.  Anyone should be able to drive any car they can afford.  It's just that everyone pays for the overindulgence of many.

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Offline rusty barrels

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Re: Exxon-Mobil on Nightly News
« Reply #25 on: February 07, 2007, 08:00:58 AM »
With that much profit, how come they still need subs from the the gov? So how much are you really paying per gallon?

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Re: Exxon-Mobil on Nightly News
« Reply #26 on: February 08, 2007, 04:29:15 AM »
TM, yeah, I totally agree that the tree huggers are the basic obsticle to a better energy pollicy.   Part of that is the gov. has put the huggers in charge of the EPA!  Thus, the gov. itself is a BIG part of the problem, as usual. 

It's certain that gov., as such, can't fix things either, no matter that J. Carter bought the hugger's votes with a useless "Energy Dept."  And also bought the teacher's votes with a useless "Dept of Ed."  Most witless teachers are huggers too, so they work together to oppose any sane energy policy.  Dem  politicans pander for their votes so the rest of us get overlooked.  But all of us are paying for that pandering at the pumps already and it will get worse soon enough.  For now, no matter who is president, the bureaucrats will continue to jam things up until congress has the gonads to eliminate them by defunding.  That's not likely to happen, so we are in an ever tightening box for energy.

I think our best solution would include three parts.

One, build as many nuclear power plants as we need to eliminate the present coal and oil fired plants.  That would greatly decrease both polutants and the pressure on limited oil supplies.  It would take years for them to come on line and the wait would be painful but it would be a major step forward. 

Two, develop enough "oil from coal" plants to add to our own oil production to let us forget the other oil countries.  Then the rest of the world be free to squabble over oil from the sand box/ South America/Canada/etc, and divvy it up as they wish.

Three, turn our oil drillers loose a little bit.  There is no LOGICAL reason not to, no reason to fear our beaches and plains would be layered with oil slicks.  (Alcohol takes almost as much energy to produce as it provides so it's not going to be much help in the long run.)

Of course the emotional reaction, especially from the dominate media, would make this move impossible but it would/should be the first and fastest way to suppliment our supplies until the other moves could take effect.  Even this would require years to make any real difference in supplies.  But doing nothing but crying for better fuel economy from tiny autos is no long term solution at all. 

The auto industry MAY, eventually, be able to develop a workable fuel-cell power system but that will be expensive power too.  It's very uncertain at this point they can ever do so at a power level we need and at a price people can afford.  And it's not a good plan to just hope for that magic power source down the road.

These are three major parts of a logical and workable solution to the current shortage of oil.  But, would our emotional, fear driven, touchy-feely "liberals" and their lap dog politicans and media allow any of it?  NO.  Not until we suffer an economic melt down would they agree and by then we may not be able to afford to fix anything so we would just join the economic power houses like Sudan and Mexico.  Meaning we would have their life styles and standards of living.   Guess the libs would say that's only "fair" and will serve us right but I won't like it.
Common sense is an uncommon virtue

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Re: Exxon-Mobil on Nightly News
« Reply #27 on: February 08, 2007, 08:13:22 AM »
TM7, wncchester,
You guys are thinking way too rational.  Nuclear Power? Don't you know we'll all be killed by 3 eyed fish and our own mutated offspring in a matter of months.  What? Oh yeah, I forgot that nuclear power is cleaner by several orders of magnitude than oil and coal.  Let me ask you one question, and that question will let you know exactly how far a plan like this will make it. 

How, exactly, can planning for tomorrow line the pockets of today??

This that I do, I do by my own free will.