Author Topic: I believe that our " world view " is usually paramount...  (Read 659 times)

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Offline ironglow

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I believe that our " world view " is usually paramount...
« on: February 03, 2007, 03:40:15 AM »
   I believe that one's "world view" is very often evident in postings we see in forums like this one.
  There are two major competeing world views in our 21st century US..the Judeo-Christian world view, or the atheistic-agnostic world view.
  Yes, imposters crop up now and then with terrorist philosophies such as the " Hashishians" in the past, but they are not a part of this discussion...

                  In outlining these two world views, I am GENERALIZING...after all, few will fit either one side or the other by 100%..

        Let's reflect:

              when it comes to questions about illegal drug use, abortion, gun rights, educational styles, child discipline, homo-marriage, social welfare, morality (and it's source), crime & punishment, dealing with terrorism, patriotism, hunting and trapping, union vs right-to-work, vegetarianism, animal "rights", black&white as opposed to "fuzzy" thinking and a myriad of other's world view in my opinion, quickly manifests itself...

   I also believe that these world views are often manifested in choices we make, such as driving a pickup truck or a Volvo, eating venison steak or Quiche, attending a barbeque or a "wine & cheese" tasting....Wranglers or Levis, getting high on God's creation as opposed to trancendental meditation, new age philosophies or "designer drugs"..  Speaking of designer, another the shelf or "designer" clothes.
   I personally believe that it even ends up in which major political party we most support...not that either is correct all, or even most of the time...but admittedly, one holds closer to the Judeo-Christian view while the other seems to pursue consciously, the athiest-agnostic view.
    Now, we can differ somewhat on a couple points, but if we differ radically., obviously we hold different "world views"...

   Things can be deceptive...for instance; I know some folks who claim the title "Christian"..but being of a very liberal persuasion, is a practical atheist-agnostic !

          ..Before you excoriate me over one small point..remember, I generalized...

                                                 So folks:...your thoughts, please...

   BTW: To clarify our stance a bit more, let's take our stand (if you wish)..  are you of the Judeo-Christian stance ( J-C )
   or are you of the atheist-agnostic stance ( A-A )...No wrong answer, just different opinions..and may explain why we sometimes disagree here among shooters !

     I am of the J-C stance ..and I mean J. C.  ( Jesus Christ )..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Brett

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Re: I believe that our " world view " is usually paramount...
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2007, 08:35:10 AM »
I fall into the pick-up driving J.C. camp, although I have been known to attend the occasional wine & cheese tasting in my Sam's Club brand jeans & flannel shirt.  :o
Life memberships:  <><, NRA, BASS, NAFC

Offline Will Bison

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Re: I believe that our " world view " is usually paramount...
« Reply #2 on: February 03, 2007, 12:56:55 PM »
Well I'll jump into the fray. Up front I'll say I am Agnostic. I will also say that some of my best friends are Military Chaplains. They all well know that I am not a Christian, but we have worked miracles together. This past week I spoke with two of my Chaplain friends, one is a retired two star, the other is an active duty Army 06.

I am pro-abortion, my best friend is gay, I never met a gun law I liked. I am a Republican, I ran on the Republican ticket in the last election, I have been a friend of every Governor in my State for the last 50 years. (Democrat or Republican)

I attend the Democratic Central meeting each month.

I support Stem Cell research.

I am pro-birth control.

I think all drugs should be legalized, without tax.

Shut down the Federal Government, take them back to the Constitution.

No more Social Welfare.

No more gun laws, we have way too many.

OK, flame on.



Offline ironglow

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Re: I believe that our " world view " is usually paramount...
« Reply #3 on: February 03, 2007, 01:49:09 PM »
 Nobody's flaming Bill,
   As I said in the wrong answer..just differing opinions...and very few are100% either way. Altrhough you sound Libertarian..I won't label you.
          Some folks I believe, misunderstand we in the J.C. camp.
  For myself and many in the J.C. camp, we have no problem with birth control...but we also heartily endorse self-control...with genuine self-control, birth control would be a much rarer issue.

  No problem with perhaps 95% of stem cell research..just that we don't want any kids killed to do it !..LOL
    Actually, strides are being made with adult stem cells and auto ( one's own) stem cells..

   Embryonic stem cells have accomplished virtually nothing. Besides any stem cells needed from a zygote could be obtained as well from the ulimbical cord..

   As I see it, this whole bruhaha about embryonic stem cells is just a way for abortion mill operators and certain politicians to perpetuate their own personal fortunes..

  If one were to insist that illicit drugs be made legal and not taxed..then to be objective, one must also insist thatb no public funds be spent trying to salvage the wreckage some will make of themselves..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Will Bison

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Re: I believe that our " world view " is usually paramount...
« Reply #4 on: February 03, 2007, 10:29:03 PM »
I thank you Ironglow for your subjective response. Yes you pegged me as Libertarian. Spot on my friend. Good observational powers.

I support all of you in the JC Camp, I may not agree, but I will always support you.

Of the entire World population, 95% believe in a higher power, I,m in that 5%.

I worked five years for the Catholic Church, directly under the Bishop. When I went for the interview, the Bishop asked me if I was Christian, I was respectful and said NO. He looked at me and said "I think you are deep down, when can you start?"

I stayed on until the Bishop retired.

I prepared the Mass, I kept my Church clean, I wanted my parishioners to know I'd been doing my job. The Congregation gave me numerable Kudos and awards. We have developed one of the finest Church Museums in the world. I'm off to Rome this month and will visit the Vatican.

My Great, Great Uncle started the first Baptist Church in Texas. My Paternal Grandfather was a Doctor of Divinity (Luthern).

I grew up in an Episcopal environment.

I never bought into the "Greater Power". The concept is wonderful, I just never went with the JC Camp.

I like the 15 commandments in schools and public buildings (remember that Moses dropped one of the tablets). Ten simple rules that adjust our lives, who can argue?

In my library, I have 27 Bibles. I find the Bible to be the greatest fictional history book I own. (Well that probably raised some feathers)

The Bible has good stuff in it, read it. Who can argue common values? A "God" did not write the Bible, people wrote it. People have modified the Bible, they have changed the text. The Christian Bible still remains a "Code of Conduct" that we all can ascribe to.
