I've had a 12 guage single shot NEF Pardner sitting in my gun safe for ten years. I pulled it out recently and realized how light and easy to handle it is compared to my 11-87, and since I shoot T\C's 98% of the time, the single shot doesn't bother me.
Now, I'm well aware of the T\C's and changing barrels and such, but these NEF's I'm a babe in the woods. I can see a hinge pin on the shotgun, but I don't see how you can eaisly change a barrel, unless you take a hammer and drift and start whackin on that hinge pin....but somehow that doesn't seem right.
And, where do you get....and can you get another guage shotgun barrel? Now, the one I have is an SB1, and I do understand that I should not attempt to put a rifle barrel on this as it is not case hardened to take the pressures of a rifle case. But, I would like to perhaps put a 28 guage barrel on this for my wife to shoot clay birds with.