again i wasnt trying to be sarcastic in the least ammount. If a guy has one gun he may be able to give you its favorite load but theres a problem with that to. Alot of those loads were just given to them by another guy and they have no real clue as to whether they are great loads in that gun or not.
What is your accuracy standard. Is the guy giving that load to you happy if he can hit a coffee can at 25 yards off hand or does he demand 1 inch groups.
Yes i have some favorite 44 mag loads. I shoot the 44 mag more then all my other guns cobined and usually have 5-10 of them in the safe at any time. Problem is the favorite loads are gun specific. Every single one of my guns has a different load it likes best and i found that out with many days on the range with everyone of them. sure i could probbly look through all my loading data and come up with a bullet and powder combo that has worked fair in all of them but id about bet its not goiing to give you one inch groups at 25 yards.
If you were a bullet caster i might be able to help you a little more as i do have some opionions on a few bullets that tend to outshoot the rest. Bringing me to another thought and again i dont mean to be critical but you are starting with about the most difficult bullet to get to shoot well a wfn. Then on top of it you dont want to push it hard and in my experience your going to fight alot to get really good accuracy out of the wfn even at short range with lighter loads. I hope you can call me a bser when its done because some guys just get lucky and a certain bullet will do things in a certain gun that is a bit odd but my experiences with wfns arent that good and are terrible at low velocity.
But then again keep in mind that im looking for one inch groups not minute of beer can. Now if your stuck on that bullet design and dont want to try a good lfn or swc ill give you a few short cuts without giveing you speiific loads that might get your gun shooting well at least out to 50 yards with a wfn. First you are going to want to get that bullet up to at least 1100 fps out of your gun more will probably be better. At those speeds I would stay away from the faster powders and probably stay away from the real slow ones as the slow ones can be hard to get good constant ignition and burning at lower pressures.
I would go with a powder like 2400 or aa9 to start with. I would use a std primer with 2400 and a 350 cci with the aa9 as it too needs a little more spark if you are loading at lower pressures. If you get this bullet up to 1100 fps in the 44 mag case your probably going to be at enough pressure where the 350s can be replaced by any std primer. Even the 2400 might do a tad better with a ww primer which is a little hotter then a standard. Like i said im not a fan of wfns. I do have some molds and even have some guns that there best load is with a wfn but i just hate that because i know im compromizing my accuracy somewhere along the way. whether it be at 50 yards a 100 yards or 500 yards.
If all your looking at is rolling beer cans or maybe shooting a whitetail at 25 yards there probably an excellient bullet but i cant see usiing them where theres bullets that will do that just as well and are less finiky to load and hold there accuracy out to long range.
I think you all were taking my response the wrong way. Everybody has a favorite load that they like to use. A tried and true load for them so to speak. I was just wondering if anyone had one that they would like to share. Sort of a starting point since I have never loaded cast before. I only get to get out to the range maybe once every couple of months, so I wanted to load several different rounds to try out and go from there. I wasn't trying to be a smart A%$ or anything like that. THis is by far the best forum have come across. So if I offended anybody, I am sorry. I was just trying to find out if anyone had any favorite loads that I could use as a starting point.