They don't call it the dark contenent for nothing!
There are countless things that want to bite, claw, sting, scratch, poke, kick, stomp, and envenomate you. Not to mention Malaria and tse tse flys and the most disgusting of the bunch the Bot flies.
Whats another life threatening virus or contagious illness to worry about? Rememeber that southern Africa has about 80% HIV of the breeding age population too!
Now to put a few things into some perspective. The media is responsible for this news in both USA and RSA. They are also the ones who caused the panic across the USA for Cipro and ammoxicillin shortages a few years ago saying that the Anthrax threat in the USA was going to kill millions, then it was bird flu, and global warming. This in in the good ole USA too.
If all the white people visiting and all the white people owning farms were dying it would be a much bigger news story. It's just another line of crap from the media so they have something to write about. Go to the US Government website on visiting foreign lands. Type in South Africa and see what warnings they give you.
My bet on this subject is that some little village in the bush had a problem and the news wrote it as if it were spread across the whole of Southern Africa.