I just saw this post and had to laugh.
Man Vs Wild is entertaining, but misleading. It is presented as survival skills ands situations, but is over the top an un-realistic. I have no doubt the guy is in good shape, but that does not mean the average person stuck on at the volcanic icelandic flats should take a wet bath in boiling hot springs for survival, then tear at dead animals with their teeth like a retarded person who has never eaten in his life.
Les stround on the other hand shows some practical and realistic skilles. His show is well researched with local outdoor experts that knop local fauna, wildlife and hunting techniques. He then gives a crash course on how some of these skills work. He is an expert, and about 75% of what he shows us does not work well for him. This is a valuable lesson for someone who thinks getting stuck out in the woods injured means romatic dreams of starting a fire with twigs and building a log cabin from scratch. Survival is miserable and Les makes this come accross in his show.
There is also a big difference between surivial skills and outdoor skills. Survival skills by definition means you are in an un-planned situation, not well equiped. Most hunters I know could easily spend a week in the woods if equipmed with all their gear. When left with only their day pack (bullets, ammo and a knife) it would be a different situtation all together.