I have replaced my bolt welding jig, heat sink, 3 1/2 percent nickel steel welding rods and heat stop control paste and have several bolts to work on. I used a TIG welder to alter 4 bolts, 3 Mausers and 1 Springfield the past two weekends, but I'm going back to oxy-acetylene. On the action you are converting to cock on opening above? What type action is it, I have converted 1917 and P14 Enfields with excellent results, but was unhappy the results when I tried the convertsion of a 93 Mauser to cock on opening.
I have a half dozen P14 Enfield bolts left to alter, one 98 Mauser and one Springfield.
Before I had welding equipment, I had McGowen convert two Mauser bolts to Spoon handles back in the 1980's with excellent results, a mannlicker just looks better with a spoon handle, My 98 mannlicher has one of the Mcgowen altered bolts. I have an intermediate action 1909 Peruvian Mauser spoon handle bolt in my bolt inventory
Note I don't have a lathe, but have fitted several 98 Mauser barrels using just a grinder and mill files using prussian blue to get good contact for the end of the barrel with the inside collar in the receiver, two of these were long chambered barrels. For short chambered barrels I fit them and then have a local gunsmith finish up the headspace with his finish reamers, reamers are too expensive to stock.