I believe I read that article also - as usual, late at night when my bum hip was keeping me awake, so I may not have all the details accurate in my noggin. Anyway, I took it to be a tongue in cheek commentary about how the great old '06 wasn't as perfect for everything as the accolades that we give it now, make it out to be.
Yep, I guess one could retrospectively say that infantry tactics can be accomplished with a less powerful round. And yep, it may not be optimal for use in all types of mechanisms. And yep, there are other sporting cartridges that are better in different ways than the '06 for this or for that.
The key is putting these things all in proper historical context - in terms of cartridge development, military tactics, and firearms development and the logistics required to make things happen in a given time and at a given place. When you get to look backwards without regard to context, almost anything and any scenario could have been done better if differently.
We managed to do pretty well with that '06 anyway, didn't we?
Now I have to read that article again when I am awake!