It's really sickening ain't it? I'm not too old (37), but just like you fellows mentioned, I too used to roam 100% un-checked across literally miles of private property, always armed with at least a single shot 22 rifle. This was just shortly before the 3 wheelers showed up in the woods, and a good while before 4 wheelers sealed my fate so to speak. In the rare instance where a land owner popped up on me camping, hunting, fishing, etc. on his land, it was always pleasant with him just telling me to be carefull with my fire, and don't get hurt. Heck, I've even had'em sit down to a dinner of squirrel or such, and shoot the bull for a while. That was the days when you had to "walk" to get to the "real" wild areas. Nobody ever complained untill the ATV crowd pretty much turned pristine wilderness into super highways, and trash started showing all over the place. Now you get into trouble simply tracking a deer onto neighboring land.
I left school in early 1985, but even then everybody practically that I knew carried a pocket knife, and rifles hanging in gun racks were pretty common in the parking lot. Like you said GB, we settled everything with fists, feet, elbows, and knees. If a knife ever did(rarely it would) pop up in a clean fight, the guy was immediately branded a coward, and was pretty much doomed to have the crap kicked out of him at least weekly from then on. Half the time the teachers let us fight it out because they knew a little blood later, and like you said, the problem was solved instead of festering into something worse.
As far as me "being monitored"? Honestly, I don't really care at this point in life. Our citizens have allowed our government to take away a lot of our freedoms, and "dictate" such things to us as what we can wear, what we can own, what we can do with our own property, how we raise our kids, etc... At this point, I 'know" that as long as I'm not infringing on your rights, or hurting your property, or loved ones, I'm doing nothing wrong. I'm gonna live my life, not wear my seat belt, and pretty much anything else within reason, and I DARE, yes, I said it, DARE my government to try to take away "my" God given rights, and freedoms. The whole rest of the country might cave in to the liberals, but I will stand up for what I "know" is right regardless of what it costs me in the end...