Author Topic: ? on ARMSCOR ammo  (Read 635 times)

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? on ARMSCOR ammo
« on: February 23, 2007, 02:34:29 PM »
Hi guys, I just returned from a little coyote hunting and stopped by a sporting good store on the way home. He had just put out 5 boxes of ARMSCOR Precision .22 Mag ammo for $5 a box. it is 40 grain jacketed SP ammo and I thought $5 a box for .22 Mag jacketed SP was pretty good so I bought all 5 boxes. Anyone know anything about this stuff? Is it fairly accurate? I was thinking about using it for coyotes and crows out to around 100 yards max on coyotes and 200 yards max ranges on crows. Any expierence or input on this stuff? He said it was decent stuff, he had taken in with a gun and said the ammo was made in the Phillipines....<><.... :)

P.S. - I don't want to get into the .22 Mag not enough gun for coyotes thing. I has worked well now for a couple of years so I just really want to know about this ammo and any members expierence's with it...Thanks
"Giving up your gun to someone else on demand is called surrender. It means that you have given up your ability to protect yourself to a power that is greater than you." - David Yeagley

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Re: ? on ARMSCOR ammo
« Reply #1 on: March 22, 2007, 05:22:06 PM »
I found the same ammo and thought the same thing,at that price how could I go wrong.
I nomally shoot CCI maxi mags in my Marlin with excellent results.
When I tried the Armscor ammo and could not group three shots any closer than about 3" at 75 yards.
I am still trying to shot the rest of these out of my pistol just to get rid of them.

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Re: ? on ARMSCOR ammo
« Reply #2 on: March 23, 2007, 01:54:50 AM »
Thanks stodolc, I still have not shot any of mine. I guess I will try a box and then use them for trade goods if they don't shoot well out of my guns. I know a couple of guys that could not shoot a laser any better than 3" or 4" at 50 yards, as long as it goes BANG! they like it, I can also see them getting it as a gift....<><.... :-\
"Giving up your gun to someone else on demand is called surrender. It means that you have given up your ability to protect yourself to a power that is greater than you." - David Yeagley