I saw a post somewhere on the net the other day referencing the H&R USH, for some reason I just could not get it off my mind. Anyway I have read through about thirty pages of this board and the information available is quite impressive to say the least. While I realize each gun is an individual and "likes" different rounds, overall are the 12ga USH shooting 2 3/4" or 3" shells? Also what scope rings are a nice match to the factory supplied base??? One last question.....does a hammer spur come with these guns in case they are required for scope clearance? I ask these questions, because I am getting ready to go on a Spring bear hunt in Canada, and the hassle of getting powder and caps after arrival(flying) is one PIA I really don't think I'll tackle. Besides 35 years ago I began my hunting career with a 20ga single barrell and returning to that kinda excites me. At least thats my story to the wife....and I'm sticking to it! Any help answering my questions appreciated. Thank You for Your Time.