I stopped in a pawn shop ( I know better than that ) the first of the week and he has a Rem Mod 600 in a .222. He is asking $450.00 for the gun. It has a Sportsview scope. He said I could have that for free. The gun appears to be well used. When did the 600 come out, in the late seventies? I don't think this gun is as accurate as the mod. 700. All I would do with it is put a little better scope on it and hang it in the over head gun rack in my farm pickup. You know for those times you see something that just " needs killing" I had been leaning toward a mod. 94 trapper in a 30-30. I have a set of dies for a .222 and there is the rub. I think the question has been posted here about how many have bought a gun because they had a set of dies for that caliber. Now I have bought a rifle for a scope I had. Well I have dies for 30-30 too. But my Golden Centenial rifle is too long for the over head gun rack. $450 might be a bit too high? If I can get him down to $425.00 I will buy it. If not, I will fined a 94 at the next gun show. I need to stay out of pawn shops..OOBuckshot :-D