I voted for both. I guess I waited too long to send in for a Tracker I barrel, actually 2 barrels, as I was going to have both the 20 and 12 fitted.
I have a 20 ga Tracker II barrel and a 20 ga USH (LE), but would love to have a smooth bore with open sights for hunting in the thick stuff (cornfields). I bought the Tracker II barrel with the previous intentions, but a Tracker with the smooth bore would serve my purposes better and at much less cost since most shots would be within 30 yards or so.
The 20 ga Tracker II would serve a much better purpose, if it was D&T'd for a scope mount, from the factory. I bought the T II barrel last year, but have never shot it since I have the USH too. I have been thinking about selling the Tracker II barrel, to either buy or trade for a Tracker I.
If a guy is looking to D&T a 20 ga barrel for a scope mount, that could be done with any plain jane barrel with a modified choke even. The "Sweet 16" Browning slug barrel has choke built into it.
So H&R/NEF, please bring back the Tracker smooth bores. I will buy one in each guage, even the 16 if you make one.
It is hard to justify using the expensive saboted slugs for shots under 50 yards.