Author Topic: New Jersey Introduces Bill To Ban Fifty Caliber Target Rifles:  (Read 1264 times)

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Offline Redhawk1

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New Jersey Introduces Bill To Ban Fifty Caliber Target Rifles:  >:(

Well, we were wondering when the balloon would go up and now it has. Democratic lawmakers in New Jersey, supported by Ceasefire NJ announced the introduction of legislation to ban the 50 caliber target rifle in that state. Bryan Miller, executive director of Ceasefire NJ said, "We can wait for the first time mayhem occurs in our country before we ban civilian sales of these weapons, but then dozens of people will likely have died." Gregory Paw, director of the New Jersey Division of Criminal Justice, endorsed the legislation with the comment, "The only thing that comes out of this weapon is evil."

Well how does that make all you law abiding members of the Fifty Caliber Shooters Association feel? If you're like me, comments like that from law enforcement officials kind of make me sick. This, from a state where the .50 caliber target rifle has never been used in a crime. Sounds like California all over again.

We have all been wondering how long it would take the democrats to get back to their antigun agenda? With their announcement last week of legislation to re-introduce the Assault Weapons Ban and this week a ban on the 50 BMG in NJ they have made it crystal clear what law abiding gun owners are up against..

It was bad enough when California state legislators began believing Hollywood's special effects and banned a match/competition rifle as "too dangerous"!! Now it seems that blind panic has spread to some New Jersey legislators also. This week they submitted legislation (S1498/A3998) to ban the .50 caliber in their state too.

While the crime rate hasn't been changed one bit since California enacted their law, New Jersey hopes to build on the stellar performance of that "goose egg" by enacting a "goose egg" of their own.

Our readers in New Jersey should familiarize themselves with the proposed legislation and stand-by for further developments as the Fifty Caliber Institute closely monitors the progress of these bills. We'll be sure to give you as much notice as possible when action on your part is due. We are working closely with the NJ State Rifle & Pistol Association and will keep you advised. For additional information on the legislation you can check here:
FCI Response to AP News Story About NJ .50 Cal Ban:

When you're right, you're right. But when the nation's most prestigious law enforcement agency conducts a thorough study and says you are dead-on right, well that's something to crow about.

Just two weeks ago the Federal Bureau of Investigation released an unclassified study on the so-called "sniper threat" alleged by a small, vocal anti-gun lobby. Exhaustively researched, the report drew on data not only from the FBI, but from the Department of Defense as well as the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (BATFE). Their conclusion: there is no credible evidence suggesting that any terrorist organization is using, or even plans to use, sniper tactics with ANY form of rifle within the USA.

With remarkable clarity and perspective the FBI examined the rare historic incidents in which rifles have been used in criminal attacks dating back to the assassination of JFK. They correctly noted that almost exclusively these have been cheap, often small caliber weapons fired at extremely close range. Nowhere in the nearly ninety years of civilian ownership of .50 caliber rifles has there been anything even remotely resembling the science-fiction scenarios thrown up by small special interest groups plodding forward on a steadfast anti-gun agenda.

It is thus perhaps grossly inopportune timing on the part of one of these groups, Ceasefire NJ, to run their latest scam-the-taxpayer boondoggles up the flagpole of New Jersey immediately after the FBI categorically refutes their entire premise. There is no doubt in terms of credibility, as to who might be the more believable party. On one hand you have a small lobbyist-for-hire group with no demonstrable expertise at all on the subject of firearms; while on the other you have the joint and uniform position of the FBI, BATFE and the Department of Defense all joining earlier statements made by the Transportation Safety Administration and the Department of Homeland Security that they were aware of what was being said about the .50cal rifle but "we don't consider it a realistic threat."

These law enforcement agencies, whose ranks include experts with world-class police and military marksmanship skills and training, fully understand what the befuddled flock of Ceasefire advocates cannot begin to grasp -- that rifles, no matter what the caliber, live here in the real world and not in the land of political fantasy.

Claims made by organizations in the past about .50 caliber rifles have depicted them as being able to blow up tanks and knock railroad cars from their tracks when not shooting through multiple buildings or hitting targets from many miles away. No, we're not kidding - those are just a few of the outlandish abilities put forth with a straight face by the salesmen of bad legislation. Several politicians have jumped aboard the bandwagon of VPC and other anti-gun organizations and have literally made fools of themselves on camera reciting rhetoric that defies even an elementary grasp of physics.

As the battle has been waged in the public forum, the Fifty Caliber Institute has answered rhetoric with expertise and has challenged raw anecdote with documented tests. For the past eight years FCI has proven the claims of groups like Ceasefire NJ and the Violence Police Center as the shameless lies they are. But as long as these groups can wrangle a buck at the expense of the taxpayer, they will continue to shamelessly ply their wares on an unsuspecting public in the hopes that FCI will not be around. That will not happen. We're in the fight and we are here to stay.

Support for lunatic fringe gun bans has not proven to be a political asset in recent years. Taxpayers are sick and tired of pointless ban laws drummed up on ill-conceived standards which, in the end, are admitted by their very authors to be of no measurable impact. As a nation we spent over two BILLION dollars on the so-called "assault weapon ban" only to hear the Justice Department conclude both midway and at the end of the program that they could see no effect whatsoever caused by the legislation. Two billion dollars tossed out the window because groups like Ceasefire NJ waved their arms yelling "the sky is falling" to members of Congress who were wiling to listen. We think it is time Congress began to listen to us. Remember, it is always our money that is wasted by pie-in-the-sky bans based on politics instead of reality.

It is time now for the legislators of New Jersey to decide if they will listen to the uniform conclusion of the agencies directly responsible for the safety of our country, groups dealing with terrorist threats day in and day out, or if they will side with a small handful of shills hawking the "next great threat" in a manner that would make P.T. Barnum proud. Perhaps they should realize that when they waste our money today we take note, we demand answers, and we remember at the polls.

The Fifty Caliber Institute remains dedicated to the task of keeping real facts and scientific evidence at the forefront of the gun ban debate. It remains our goal to see that legislators know the whole truth from the top experts in the world. There is nothing to suggest that rifles of any sort are the "terrorist weapon of tomorrow" and legislation based on such a claim is nothing but a sham.

For a copy of the FBI report referred to in this article please go to:
John Burtt, Chmn
Fifty Caliber Institute
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Offline billy_56081

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Re: New Jersey Introduces Bill To Ban Fifty Caliber Target Rifles:
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2007, 02:38:37 AM »
  They are happy to take away our rights one little chip at a time. I'm sure there are lots of Fuds supporting this. After this it will be the "sniper rifle" or the "riot gun". I hope hunters, shooters and sportsmen soon realize they are after ALL guns.
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline coyotejoe

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Re: New Jersey Introduces Bill To Ban Fifty Caliber Target Rifles:
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2007, 04:31:04 AM »
Exactly so, Billy. Very few people own .50s, it's an expensive hobby I just can't even think of getting into, thus they don't expect much opposition. And, as you said, they can use it as a first bite to line up for a bigger bite next time. Bite by bite our rights are dying the death of one thousand bites. We have to vigorously oppose every little bite even if we think this one doesn't effect us personally.
The story of David & Goliath only demonstrates the superiority of ballistic projectiles over hand weapons, poor old Goliath never had a chance.

Offline Redhawk1

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Re: New Jersey Introduces Bill To Ban Fifty Caliber Target Rifles:
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2007, 06:33:28 AM »
It's getting worse. >:(   The Democratic party is starting it's nation wide snow ball effect ban's.  WAKE UP EVERYBODY!!!!!

Fifty Caliber Institute Alert
 March 8, 2007

Illinios Passes "Assault Weapons Ban" Out of Committee:

Hot on the heels of the introduction of .50 ban legislation in NJ, the state of Illinois, yesterday, passed out of Senate committee a bill of its own banning the caliber.

SB16, Chicago Mayor Daley's "Assault Weapons Ban" legislation can now move to the Illinois Senate for a vote at any time. The bill would require Illinois citizens to register a huge list of firearms (rifles and shotguns) with the state police and prohibit future ownership.

Included in the ban are .50 BMG caliber target rifles, .50 BMG caliber ammunition, and large capacity ammunition magazines of any caliber. Prohibiting the sale, transfer, and ownership, Illinois residents would have 90 days to register them or face felony charges. Manufacture of a .50 BMG caliber firearm or .50 BMG caliber ammunition is prohibited. (You will no longer be able to reload your own .50 ammo!)

Exceptions were granted to military & law enforcement, the movie industry, and competitions held only at the Sparta IL shooting complex.

The caliber banned is any .50. Exceptions are granted only for firearms defined as "antique" by United States Code 18, Section 921(a) (16).

The bill was passed out of the Senate Public Health Committee on Wednesday March 7. What's particularly onerous about all this is that, while those in favor of the legislation were allowed to testify for the bill, NO ONE was allowed to testify against it, under the orders of Committee Chairman Susan Garrett.

Apparently the last shreds of freedom have finally been torn from the fingers of Illinois residents.

Firearms owners in Illinois, .50 caliber or otherwise, should IMMEDIATELY contact their legislators and recover their constitutional rights.

Details of the bill can be found here:

You can find your Senator's contact information here:

Do it today, before the knock at your door.

Fifty Caliber Institute
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Re: New Jersey Introduces Bill To Ban Fifty Caliber Target Rifles:
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2007, 06:33:02 PM »
Seeing this I would have to ask this:  When has a civillian gone to the trouble to lug a 30+ pound rifle to use as a "sniper rifle" ? I dont know the stats but it just seems stupid to me to ban a rifle that probably 99%of the use is long rang shooting tourneys shooting PAPER not human flesh. Yes the military uses them for this ocassionally, but come on folks, we have gotta get these people that are not shooters, hunters ect. ect. OUT of office . Their reasoning is totally uncalled for and rediculous. That being said, I dont personally own one like others have already been stated, its very expensive hobby to have. Does that mean that I would bash someone that does own one and RESPONSIBALLY uses it? OFCOURSE NOT. Infact if something goes down that requires that kinda firepower, I would FIND someone that has one. I feel safer knowing that their are law abiding people out there that do own these kinda rifles. If , god forbid the country does turn into a war zone, those are the kinda forlk I want defending my homeland.

Offline Redhawk1

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Re: New Jersey Introduces Bill To Ban Fifty Caliber Target Rifles:
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2007, 12:29:29 AM »
We all know if these get passed, they will start looking at other guns, it is a snow ball effect. Not until it is your gun they are after that some will speak up. But by then it is to late. We as gun owners, need to speak up and help them guys out with the proposed 50 Caliber rifle ban's, it will affect you later down the road.
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Offline Mac11700

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Re: New Jersey Introduces Bill To Ban Fifty Caliber Target Rifles:
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2007, 05:54:44 AM »

I can't speak for NJ...but as a long time resident in Illinois I know full well how the political system works there.I know full well how hard the minority of gun right supporters work to try to make a difference...but the majority of brainwashed idiots that follow the screwed up agenda of the democratic party grows everyday.Pay offs...kick backs..cushy jobs are the rewards for getting with their program...Yes...creed & corruption runs the state.....organized crime is rampant...and dirty money controls the politics there...This is what scares me...because those politicians will be running the nation soon...

You can cry me a river... me a bridge and then get over it...

Offline Redhawk1

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Re: New Jersey Introduces Bill To Ban Fifty Caliber Target Rifles:
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2007, 06:06:40 AM »
Mac11700, what organizations are there too support the pro gun people?
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Offline Mac11700

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Re: New Jersey Introduces Bill To Ban Fifty Caliber Target Rifles:
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2007, 06:26:49 AM »
One of the best..

You can cry me a river... me a bridge and then get over it...

Offline Redhawk1

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Re: New Jersey Introduces Bill To Ban Fifty Caliber Target Rifles:
« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2007, 07:11:17 AM »
Looks like a good organization. What are they doing to try to combat the anti gun laws and bans there in Illinois?
 I hope they can get this ban thrown out.
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Offline BUSTER51

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Re: New Jersey Introduces Bill To Ban Fifty Caliber Target Rifles:
« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2007, 01:29:15 PM »
that is just why I  left NJ 20 years ago the gun laws there are a joke . Arizona has a much more enlightened view of the the second amendment. if it wasn't for the heat and the wet's it would be heaven.

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Re: New Jersey Introduces Bill To Ban Fifty Caliber Target Rifles:
« Reply #11 on: March 15, 2007, 05:05:22 PM »
Unbelievable. Why don't they ban Suburbans and H2's because they'll do more damage if they hit somebody? Evidently the laws in this country aren't supposed to be based on any degree of common sense; if they were, they'd realize the only way a .50 caliber rifle poses a threat is when the aspiring shooter/killer spends a tremendous amount of time & money learning to use it, and has a specific target type and situation in mind. Common sense would suggest that those organizational skills have already been put to use with less obvious tools of destruction; isn't that the MO they're actually worried about here? I realize I'm preaching to the choir; whom can I write to when I stop throwing up?
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Re: New Jersey Introduces Bill To Ban Fifty Caliber Target Rifles:
« Reply #12 on: March 16, 2007, 02:03:28 AM »
The worst part about the proposed NJ ban is that a lot of hunters think they are safe from the ban because of a statement that antique firearms, traditional muzzleloaders, single shot sporting arms, etc are exemptions.  The problem is what is the definition of antique and traditional and what is a sporting arm?  This ban could essentially ban rifled barrels for shotguns, in-line muzzleloaders, maybe any percussion muzzleloader (depending on the definitions used) etc.  These folks are sitting back and doing nothing because they don't think the ban is going to affect them.  They don't understand that this is only the first step toward completely banning private ownership of firearms in NJ.  With the democrats taking control in the near future we can expect to have to defend our right to bear arms everywhere not just in the socialist states like NJ.  Get ready because its coming.

Offline nomosendero

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Re: New Jersey Introduces Bill To Ban Fifty Caliber Target Rifles:
« Reply #13 on: March 17, 2007, 05:45:54 AM »
The worst part about the proposed NJ ban is that a lot of hunters think they are safe from the ban because of a statement that antique firearms, traditional muzzleloaders, single shot sporting arms, etc are exemptions.  The problem is what is the definition of antique and traditional and what is a sporting arm?  This ban could essentially ban rifled barrels for shotguns, in-line muzzleloaders, maybe any percussion muzzleloader (depending on the definitions used) etc.  These folks are sitting back and doing nothing because they don't think the ban is going to affect them.  They don't understand that this is only the first step toward completely banning private ownership of firearms in NJ.  With the democrats taking control in the near future we can expect to have to defend our right to bear arms everywhere not just in the socialist states like NJ.  Get ready because its coming.

Yep, it has allready started.
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