After 20 years of using Easton xx75 aluminum shafts, I am trying out a 1/2 doz. Gold Tip XT Hunters arrows I had made up at the new Bowhunters Superstore (thank god they are back). I did not realize that the nocks had to be glued in, So If I damage a nock do I have to discard the whole arrow ? With the aluminum arrows I can replace the nocks due to the nock insert. The only reason I am interested in carbon is to pick up more speed in order to compensate for errors in judging distance. I figure that with the weight difference I'll pick up close to 30 FPS (490 gr. vs. 380gr.) out of my Mathews Outback (70 lbs. 29 in.). Also I have always cut and fletched my aluminum arrows. Is there a trick to cutting off and replacing damaged fletch on the carbons ? Will Acetone to remove the old glue harm the carbon ? Any advice will be greatly appreciated.