I'm starting to think along the lines of a fashion 'wardrobe' for Handis. Stimpy is the tailor...

Let's see, it is a nice morning and I'm in the mood for a quiet walk in the woods, I'll go with a subdued camo stock with a 357 mag barrel loaded with nice quiet 38spl wadcutters.
Later in the day, some evening wear, something a little more formal for a couple of hours sighting in or just punching holes in paper. I think I will go with the white stocks, and a medium caliber like .308 or 30-06, topped by a flat black scope in the 4-10 power range.
Saturday morning at the rimfire silhouette matches, the .22 mag Ultra Bull Barrel wearing a custom made thumhole stock and 24x scope. In the car, awaiting the afternoon free for all on the centerfire range, a .223 Bull Barrel in one of Stimpy's day-glo fashions with the biggest scope, and the biggest objective lense in the collection - simply to attract maximum attention.
Then I'll bring out the Sportsters for the kids. Stripes and colors for them. Lots of stickers or decals. Maybe a non-permanent marker for each kid to add his/her own artwork on the glossy surface of one of the Stimpster's solid color stocks
Get the idea....