Author Topic: remington mountain lss 7mm-08 range report.  (Read 1066 times)

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Offline trophytaker308

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remington mountain lss 7mm-08 range report.
« on: March 11, 2007, 03:11:51 PM »
i had only 6 rounds left of the fusion 140 gr so i started out with them,i shoot 2 times then ran a bronze brush through with hoppe's #9 3 times and then took a dry patch until clean and dry,i got  a little under 1 inch groups out of 3 shots,i shot all 6 and done the same procedure as i started out with,the 2 shot clean with bronze and dry patch.
then i shot the federal accubond 140 and got right at 1 inch groups using the same procedure,i have done nothing to the gun except adjust the trigger.
i was wondering if i float the barrel will the groups tighten up a bit or will it shoot a little tighter after i get some more rounds through the barrel,i have only fired 14 rounds through it.
im not saying by no means that im not satisfied with how the gun performs, just thought i would ask and see what you guys thought.
this is one fine rifle.....AWSOME!!!
the barrel seems to be crystal clean after i have done the clean and shoot procedure,this is the first rifle i have done this with,as far as the shoot and clean process.

Offline SteveADK

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Re: remington mountain lss 7mm-08 range report.
« Reply #1 on: March 14, 2007, 04:01:09 AM »
You are lucky it shoots hat good with that thin barrel.  First try putting a piece of match book under the barrel, at the tip of the forarm.  That way if it shoots any better with a bit of pressure around the barrel you can put some glass-beding under the barrel if free-floating doesn't help. 

Offline trophytaker308

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Re: remington mountain lss 7mm-08 range report.
« Reply #2 on: March 14, 2007, 05:45:23 AM »
You are lucky it shoots hat good with that thin barrel.  First try putting a piece of match book under the barrel, at the tip of the forarm.  That way if it shoots any better with a bit of pressure around the barrel you can put some glass-beding under the barrel if free-floating doesn't help. 
from what i have read most do shot good,the thin barrel dosent mean a gun will not shot good by know means,but they will heat up faster making your group open up,let them stay cool and they will perform just like many others.I have a friend and he has one, its the same gun and it will shoot 1 inch groups at 200 yards as fast as he can do it,with nothing done to it except trigger.I think the gun shoots pretty good without any changes,i think i need to find a good handload for it now.
I dont think it needs free floating or glass bedding with those type groups,im getting 1 inch and under with fatory ammo with 2 different kinds and havent even broke the barrel in yet,it will only get better with more rounds through it,and a pet load will make it a nail driver.I got lucky with this one,no mods and accuracy straight out the box=lovley........

Offline sniperVLS

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Re: remington mountain lss 7mm-08 range report.
« Reply #3 on: March 14, 2007, 07:38:50 AM »
tropytaker308 is correct, a thin barrel doesnt mean it wont be a shooter. The 700 Mountain Rifle I had in .30-06 shot as good as all my current heavy varmint barreled 700s do, and thats saying something because they are all sub moa out of the box.

I used that Mountain rifle as a longrange rifle for years, hitting 2 liter bottles @ 4 and 500 yards every time I put the cross hairs on them. The thing kicked like 2 mules though and it wasnt pleasant shooting from prone, lol. A whitetail took its last breath in the early 90s thanks to that rifle, and at a range of about 380 yards too.

I did infact free float it after a few years(mostly because I wanted to attempt it on my own), but it shot no better than before I did that, so if it shoots remarkably consistently *as is*, I wouldnt bother with anything but a trigger job.

*the barrel Im shocked at is that garbagy looking stick on the 710. I looked at it before shooting my cousins and laughed inside a little. Boy was I surprised when I was getting excellent groupings, and with that 25.00 scope no less!

Wow I missed the first post about the ammo and cleaning..Im losing my mind!

Do Not get hasty and glass bed it yet. You've hardly put any rounds down the tube, let alone try several different brands and types of ammo.

Get 100 - 200 shot thru it and every 20 or so, try different brands of different weights and types. Some have that special *off the shelf* round they love and hopefully youll find it.

The VLS in my sig didnt like any remington core lokts, but loved the cheapest Federal(power shok or vital shok, dont recall which). The best factory Ive shot is the Remington 168 grain matchking HP's, just showing how some guns are picky is all.

To make things more interesting, my VLS shoots best when its dirty and the bore has a lot of copper in it. I dont even bother shooting at paper for accuracy until I have a 15 or so shots fired. Dont get me wrong, the cold bore shot is still deadly, but groups wont satisfy me until the barrel gets fouled.

An old friends VLS isnt as delightful. Groups start spreading out around 30 rounds fired and his CBS was closer to zero than mine but while hes cleaning, I go atleast 80 to 100 before I clean it thoroughly, and even then it doesnt need to be cleaned, I just do it so cooper doesnt get out of hand. The best thing about the heavier rifles is that I can shoot all day and feel no pain. Gets trickier carrying them around while hunting but thats for another day......

I hope I didnt get off topic, just wanted to show the variations in ammo and barrels. I hate seeing people get antsy and start bedding right away without knowing what the rifle is truly capable of once things settle down :)