At the very least those teachers should have been charged with custodial interference. Back to the original subject. The media is way out in left field and continues to promote the libby, dumcrap, homosexual agenda. Satan is alive and well. I'm fed up with having these abominable people shoved in my face. A couple of years ago the media here showed a gay couple that were having a surrogate mother have a child for them to raise. They showed the babys room, their home, etc, the media ate it up. The mother had triplets. The other funny bunny decided he wanted to be a father also, hired the same woman to bear his child. The children will be raised believing that it's perfectly ok to have 2 daddys, and that this is perfectly normal behaviour, it's NOT. The news followed the loving couple for at least a week, it was sickening. Homosexuals should never EVER, be allowed to raise children, or be in any way in authority over them. Teachers, scout leaders, clergy, etc. The Bible is full of scripture against homosexuality, I doubt God has changed his mind on the matter. There are even churches that embrace these perverts as normal, even ordaining them to preach, this is wrong. There are folks being led down the path to hell by these people. If these people choose to go to hell, more power to them, thats their choice, but they don't have the right to take others with them. Don't get me wrong here, I'm not saying that homosexuals shouldn't be in church, they need to repent of their sins, and it IS a sin. I don't hate homosexuals, and I don't fear them, I do hate the sin and seeing lives destroyed because of it. Children should not be subjected to this garbage, but it' being taught in some schools that this is an acceptable lifestyle, instead of the perverted choices that it is. Those who teach and condone this garbage are leading folks down the wrong path, a path leading straight to hell. Rosie O, and ellen degenerate are 2 prime examples of those who seek to further their gay agenda. Ellen degenerate has proposed marrige to her girl friend. I remember those so called weddings in SF a few years back. I was hoping to see the God of old send a bolt of lightning right into the middle of those pereverts, it didn't happen though. I'm glad that Bill has allowed a small discussion on this subject, I tried real hard to respond in an acceptable manner. POWDERMAN.