To make a comparison, big visible hole sets or big visible scent posts standing out in an open area will catch a respectable number of canines and bobcats without a drop of lure or bait. Subtle, blended sets rely almost entirely on the lure to bring in the animal. If the prevailing wind direction should change or be erractic and be blowing the attractors odor away from the animal's approach, the subtle set has little chance of making a connection. The way I use subtle sets such as the blind scent set is to construct one among a group of hole sets and use a different more subtle lure as the attractor. Now, should one of these trap-shy, wary, educated old coyotes come along that circle or avoid hole sets, there is the subtle blind set with my Nature's Call all natural gland lure right amidst them. These blind sets pick up a lot of big, old, toeless coyotes. However, for the average young coyote, the hole sets are almost always the ones that connect. I have seldom seen a juvenile coyote go to the blind set first. This is how it is here in Michigan anyway. I have been told that hole sets are only marginal out West. Just as a guess, I would say that an animal sticking its nose into a hole where rattle snakes and scorpions reside could be too risky and that may be the reason they don't produce so well in some localities. Ace